Breast Enhancement

What Is Breast Asymmetry and How Can It Be Corrected?

breast asymmetry

Some women live in embarrassment about their breasts. While many are uncomfortable with the size of their breasts (whether they are too big or small), many others worry about unevenly sized breasts. Breast asymmetry is when one breast is larger than the other one or one breast is a different shape than the other. The effect in either case is an unbalanced look that can feel embarrassing.

A size or shape difference between your breasts can be improved with breast asymmetry surgery. Treatment may include planning for breast augmentation, breast lift or a breast reduction – whichever is the right approach for you.

Mild vs. Major Breast Asymmetry

In most cases, breast asymmetry is mild and may not be severe enough to consider surgery. Other parts of our body are not symmetrical and this is also the case with breast tissue. Breast asymmetry is not considered more than a cosmetic concern unless your breasts have recently developed asymmetry. If you have noticed a rapid change in your breast shape or a discharge from your nipple, schedule an appointment with your primary doctor.

Women who notice more major degrees of breast asymmetry may have an underlying condition, such as tuberous breasts or Poland syndrome.

Tuberous breasts are caused by constricted breast tissue, and can affect one or both breasts. Affected breasts are shaped like tubes and have a narrow base. The base of the breast is also tubular shaped rather than the normal cone shape.

Poland syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that affects muscle development. If present, the disorder results in a reduction in the size of the affected breast and sometimes the underlying chest muscle and rib cage.

Am I a Good Candidate for Breast Asymmetry Surgery?

Breast asymmetry surgery can be an effective option for women who wish to achieve a natural rounded breast appearance without breast implants.

The best solution for you varies from each person as the appearance of breast asymmetry is variable. Factors to consider include whether you prefer the volume of the larger or smaller breast, and whether you’d like to see a change in breast position as well as shape or size.

Depending on the answers to these questions, you may opt for surgery to one or both of your breasts:

  • A breast reduction of your larger breast
  • A breast enlargement of your smaller breast
  • A breast uplift (mastopexy) on one or both of your breasts
  • Surgery to reduce the size of one or both of your breasts, nipples or or areolae

In many cases, a combination of different breast enhancement procedures is needed to improve the symmetry of your bust.

What Are the Benefits and Risks of Breast Asymmetry Surgery?

The aim of breast asymmetry surgery is to help your breasts look more symmetrical; the goal is improvement rather than perfection, as achieving absolute symmetry is not possible.

In general, breast surgery is considered a low-risk procedure. Some breast surgery techniques can compromise your ability to breastfeed or result in other complications. Be sure to check with your surgeon for a complete overview of all the risks and benefits involved with any procedure beforehand.

There are numerous potential benefits to having surgery to improve breast symmetry. Breasts should appear proportionate, allowing clothes to fit much better. Most women also say they feel more confident and have a more positive body image after surgery.

What Is Breast Asymmetry and How Can It Be Corrected?
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What Is Breast Asymmetry and How Can It Be Corrected?
Breast asymmetry is a common issue among women. For those who are really uncomfortable with their breast size difference, breast asymmetry surgery may offer a satisfying solution.
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BeautySmoothie Beauty Blog
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