Breast Augmentation Breast Enhancement

Natural Breast Augmentation Results

Breast Augmentation

The days of breast augmentation results looking obviously fake are long gone. These days, more women are interested in results that look natural, only better. A variety of factors contribute to a great final result when it comes to breast augmentation.

Implant Choice

Choosing what kind of implant you’d like means more than just picking either silicone or saline. Implants come in different sizes, as well as different shapes and profiles. For example, a teardrop shaped implant distributes volume more like a natural breast, while a round implant adds volume to the higher area of the breast. High profile implants look more natural on younger women, while medium or low profile implants look great on older patients.

Implant Placement

Besides what type of implant you’ll choose, you also need to think about placement. Your surgeon will probably have a personal preference based on their professional experience, but every woman’s body is different, and not every placement works for every woman.

Subglandular placement situates the implant above the chest muscle wall, but below the natural breast tissue. This is a great option for enhancing cleavage. Submuscular placement is behind both the chest muscles and the breast tissue, and better resists the effects of gravity for longer-lasting results. Submuscular placement is better for women who don’t have a lot of natural breast tissue to begin with, as the implants will be less visible under the muscle. Surgeons may also place implants between the chest muscle and the fascia (subfascial), or use a partially subpectoral placement that offers partial chest muscle support.

By working closely with your surgeon, you’ll be able to determine the right combination of implant, placement and surgical technique to bring out the best results for your breast augmentation.

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March 28, 2013
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March 28, 2013