
Your Skin Used to Be Great But Now You Have Age Spots?!

Med Spa treatments for brown spots concept. Woman looking in a vanity mirror checking her face for brown spots.

You used to be proud of your clear and even-toned complexion, but as the years have gone by, more and more age spots seem to have taken over. Known as brown spots, liver spots, age spots and sun spots, these small patches of discoloration can disrupt your perfect skin tone and lead to a cloudy complexion.

The good news is there are treatments that can help eliminate these spots and give you back your youthful appearance. The best med spa treatments for brown spots offer quick solutions with minimal downtime.

What Causes Brown Spots

Tired of brown spots? Med spa treatments offer fast and affordable solutions.

Brown spots may have many different names, but the cause of these unsightly spots is the same. The UV rays from the sun stimulate the production of melanin in the skin. The more time you spend out in the sun, the more likely you are to develop these spots. And this sun damage doesn’t just target your face. Age spots can appear on the face, hands, arms and back.

Best Treatments to Address Age Spots

There are a variety of different treatment options that can address age spots. Each treatment works in a similar manner, but downtime may vary.

  • Sciton BBL Photofacial™Photofacial med spa treatments™ for sun damage use intense pulsed light therapy to encourage new collagen growth while removing the melanin that causes your dark spots. Each treatment takes about 20 to 30 minutes. While you may notice improvement after one treatment, most people need four to six treatments a few weeks apart in order to achieve optimal results.
  • Halo by Sciton™Halo by Sciton™ is a laser skin resurfacing treatment that combines deep dermal rejuvenation with epidermal renewal. However, unlike traditional laser resurfacing, Halo by Sciton has minimal downtime. In the first few days after your treatment, your skin may bronze and peel, allowing the damaged outer layer of skin to flake away. After this occurs, it will reveal more even skin tone as the brown spots begin to fade away. While many will see results after one treatment, multiple treatments may be necessary to completely remove your spots.
  • Chemical PeelsChemical peels are another great treatment option to target brown spots. The strength of chemical peels varies based on the extent of your skin damage. During the treatment, your face is washed with a special solution, and a topical numbing cream is applied. The chemical peel agent is then applied and allowed to work before being washed off and a moisturizer applied. Your downtime with a chemical peel depends on the peeling agent used. Lighter peels involve less downtime while stronger peels can cause redness for a few days before the skin peels away.
  • MicrodermabrasionMicrodermabrasion treatments can reduce the signs of sun damage and age spots. This intense exfoliation treatment uses microscopic crystals to target dead and damaged surface skin cells. While a single treatment can provide noticeable results, optimal results often require a series of treatments.

Just remember that if you want real and lasting results, you need to skip the skincare hacks and opt for professional treatment.


Your Skin Used to Be Great But Now You Have Age Spots?!
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Your Skin Used to Be Great But Now You Have Age Spots?!
Looking to address skin discoloration? Wellskin Med Spa in Dallas, Texas shares some of the top med spa treatments for sun damage and brown age spots.
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