Thigh & Body Lift

The Skinny on Thigh Lifts

happy woman in sweater

A thigh lift is a cosmetic procedure that’s best for men and women who feel generally healthy but have lingering fat around the thighs, baggy or dimpled skin, or whose inner thighs chafe or become otherwise irritated from rubbing together. To shine light on one of the lesser known cosmetic procedures, here’s the skinny on thigh lifts.

The Best Candidates

Thigh lift candidates are usually men and women who have undergone weight loss and would like to put the finishing touches on their body contours. However, thigh lift patients also extend to individuals who store a disproportionate amount of body fat in the thighs, or who have loose, saggy skin or tissue in the inner thighs and would like to improve their appearance.


thigh lift is often combined with liposuction, and involves the removal of excess skin and fatty tissue in addition to pulling the remaining skin over the inner thighs for sleeker contours. Tissue can be reshaped and skin tightened to smooth out dimpled skin, and chafing or irritation in the inner thighs can often be resolved. After a thigh lift, many patients find that their upper legs look more toned and slender.

The Importance of Surgical Skill

Because the inner thighs are more delicate than many other areas of the body, it is highly recommended that patients seek a skilled plastic surgeon who specializes in post-weight loss procedures. The inner thighs do not experience a high level of blood flow, making incisions a delicate matter. However, an experienced surgeon should be able to effectively deliver optimal results with minimal risk of complications for the best possible thigh lift results.

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December 10, 2014
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December 10, 2014