Thigh & Body Lift

Choose a Thigh Lift for Looks and Comfort


Although many people automatically think of liposuction when they want to slim down their lower body, don’t forget the impressive results that can be achieved through a thigh lift. At my Denver clinic, thigh lifts are one of the procedures with high patient satisfaction ratings, and can really make a difference in the shape of your lower body.

Liposuction is really intended for small, localized fat deposits rather than treating large areas like the entire thigh. During a thigh lift, excess fat and skin are removed and the remaining skin is pulled more tightly across the leg before being sutured. The result is taut, slimmer-looking upper legs. With age and gravity, the fat and tissue on the legs begins to shift downward, causing a saggy appearance. A thigh lift helps legs look younger and more attractive.

It’s also common for patients to request a thigh lift from my Denver office if they’ve recently lost a lot of weight. Despite the shedding of physical pounds, the skin often just can’t shrink up fast enough to keep up. This results in loose, hanging folds of skin which no amount of exercise can resolve. Surgery is the only way to correct this unfortunate byproduct of massive weight loss. A thigh lift can also help finish the process of weight loss started by exercise, giving you the body you’ve worked so hard to achieve.

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September 15, 2012
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September 15, 2012