
6 Must-Ask Questions for Your Facelift Consultation

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Your plastic surgery consultation can be an exciting, nerve-wracking appointment that, if you’re not prepared, can be done in the blink of an eye. Having a good idea of what you want to get out of your consultation ahead of time can help you feel prepared and make the most of your time with your surgeon. Arm yourself with these six questions to ask a plastic surgeon before a facelift and feel confident that you’re getting the information you need.

1. What Are Your Qualifications to Perform This Procedure?

This may seem to go without saying, but it’s important that during your facelift consultation, you ask your surgeon about his or her qualifications. Are they board certified? What sort of experience do they have with this procedure? Can you see samples of before and after photos?

2. Where Will the Facelift be Performed?

This is your opportunity to get to know your surgeon and gather all of the information you need to feel comfortable with them performing your facelift.

Just as important as the “who” is the “where” of your facelift. Talk to your surgeon about the facility where you’ll actually have your surgery. Question the certifications for patient safety the building holds and whether or not your surgeon has hospital privileges for the facility. Otherwise, should a complication arise, you may be sent to another emergency room or hospital for treatment.

3. Am I a Good Candidate for a Facelift — Physically and Emotionally?

One of the most important questions to as a plastic surgeon before a facelift is whether or not you are an ideal candidate, not only physically, but also emotionally. Ideal facelift candidates are generally healthy, without any medical complications that could impact healing. They’re nonsmokers and it’s important that they have realistic expectations for what a facelift can achieve. You should also consider your personal situation and your emotional health. Do you have someone to help care for you while you recover? Can you handle downtime in a healthy manner?

4. What Complications are Possible and How Would You Handle Them?

It’s important to ask your surgeon during your consultation about potential complications of a facelift. It’s never pleasant to consider the worst-case scenario, but it’s important that you know what realistically could happen during your procedure and how exactly your surgeon plans to handle complications should they arise. This can help you feel comfortable with your decision to have a facelift and with your surgeon should anything unexpected occur.

5. What Can I Expect from My Facelift Surgery and Recovery?

This is going to be the meat of your consultation — speaking with your surgeon about your specific concerns and how a facelift could help you achieve your goals. Together, you’ll decide what’s realistic for your outcome and what specific methods can be used to achieve that result.

The specifics of your surgery will impact the specifics of your recovery. Take this opportunity to ask your plastic surgeon what you can expect from your recovery period and how you can begin preparing.

6. What Results Can I Expect?

One of the most exciting questions you’ll ask your plastic surgeon before a facelift is about your results. It’s the reason you’ve chosen to have a facelift and discussing exactly what a facelift can do with your surgeon up front is one of the best things you can do to prepare.

Don’t be afraid to ask the nitty gritty questions and get a clear picture of what you can expect after you’re finished healing. After all, that’s what this entire consultation is about.


6 Must-Ask Questions for Your Facelift Consultation
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6 Must-Ask Questions for Your Facelift Consultation
Dr. Richard Rand of Bellevue, WA helps you prepare for your consultation with six questions to ask your plastic surgeon before your facelift.
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