
Why Aggressive Liposculpture Can Be Too Much of a Good Thing

woman before liposuction

Although it might seem like the more the merrier when it comes to removing stubborn fatty deposits, this is not necessarily the case. Like most things in life, liposculpture is best done in moderation in order to avoid problems that can arise with aggressive liposuction methods.

This guide will help you to better understand what cosmetic surgeons mean when they talk about “aggressive liposuction” and what complications could result from this type of procedure.

What Is Aggressive Liposuction?

Liposuction is not a weight loss tool. However, liposculpture can help contour your body for a smoother, sleeker shape where dieting and exercising fall short. Thus, your liposuction procedure should be a refined, carefully planned treatment aimed at improving the look and feel of the contours of your body without necessarily trying to lose inches.

In the hands of an inexperienced cosmetic surgeon who takes an aggressive approach to liposculpture, though, too much fat can be removed from one area too quickly. The final outcome will almost always result in complications like these:

Contour Imperfections

Directly after any liposuction, it’s not uncommon to notice a few dimples or lumps and bumps, which can be brought on by post-operative swelling. These imperfections should resolve themselves over the next several weeks and months. Wearing a special compression garment during your liposuction recovery can help to minimize swelling and these effects.

If too much fat was removed from any given area, significant contour irregularities are not likely to go away on their own and may require revision liposuction to smooth away.


Another common problem with aggressive liposuction is that you might end up with asymmetrical results. If an inexperienced surgeon is hurrying through your procedure to remove as much fat as possible in a single session, he or she could easily remove too much fat from one side of your body and not enough from the other.

Unfortunately, if this occurs, the only way to remedy the situation would be to either schedule another liposuction treatment to remove more fat from one side or to graft live fat cells to the other. In either case, you’re looking at a second procedure, complete with a second downtime and recovery period.

Excess Skin

Any time a large amount of fat is removed via liposculpture, there is a risk of ending up with loose skin that simply doesn’t have the necessary elasticity to snap back into place. While this can be a concern for anyone with naturally lax skin tone considering liposuction, excess skin can also result from a poorly planned aggressive procedure.

If loose skin is a concern, your cosmetic surgeon may recommend combining liposuction with a tummy tuck to address both at the same time.

Avoiding Aggressive Liposuction Problems

Any surgical procedure is going to come along with a risk of complications. However, there are some things you can do to help minimize those risks when planning liposuction. First and foremost, make sure you’re working with a skilled cosmetic surgeon who has ample experience with liposuction and other body contouring treatments.

Secondly, ask your surgeon if you’re a good candidate for liposuction. If you haven’t quite reached your target weight yet, it may be best to hold off on scheduling your procedure until you’re closer to your ideal weight.

Finally, closely follow your cosmetic surgeon’s guidelines during your recovery from liposculpture to minimize any problems and help you achieve optimal liposuction results.



Why Aggressive Liposculpture Can Be Too Much of a Good Thing
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Why Aggressive Liposculpture Can Be Too Much of a Good Thing
Concerned about aggressive liposuction problems? Cosmetic surgeon Dr. Gordon Andan of New York Surgical Arts explains why a more moderate approach is best.
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BeautySmoothie Beauty Blog
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