
Facelift or Dermal Fillers: Which is Right for Me?

older woman in white dress

Aging is a natural process that often becomes noticeable on the face, revealing signs such as wrinkles, sagging, and fine lines. Fortunately, in today’s world, individuals seeking to address these concerns have a myriad of options. Among the popular choices for facial rejuvenation are dermal fillers and facelift surgery. Despite both treatments targeting similar problem areas, they represent distinct options.

Determining the most suitable procedure for your needs involves considering various factors. As a board-certified plastic surgeon in Washington, D.C., I’ve spoken with dozens of patients who are in the process of deciding between fillers and a facelift. If you are contemplating this yourself, here are some key considerations.

Dermal Filler Benefits

The rise in popularity of nonsurgical procedures is exemplified by dermal fillers, which continue to lead the way. These injectable treatments offer a straightforward means of restoring youthful definition to the face. As we age, a loss of collagen in areas such as the cheeks, lips, and forehead become apparent. Dermal fillers address this concern by injecting a specialized gel under the skin, adding soft, gentle volume to thinning areas.

Injectable treatments like fillers are versatile and enjoyed by individuals of all ages and genders. They are commonly utilized as the primary line of defense against the onset of aging signs. The convenience and relatively lower cost make dermal fillers an attractive option for those seeking to combat the signs of aging without opting for surgery.

Facelift Benefits

Facelift surgery is a comprehensive approach focused on lifting and toning the lower face and neck. It stands out as an excellent solution for tightening skin, reducing wrinkles, and defining the jawline. Ideal candidates for facelifts typically exhibit significant skin sagging and loose jowls obscuring the chin. This surgery effectively addresses advanced signs of aging and is often recommended for patients in their 50s, 60s, or 70s.

In addition to its primary objectives, facelift surgery may involve repositioning fat pads in the cheeks to enhance facial volume. However, it’s noteworthy that dermal fillers are frequently employed post-surgery. This serves as a simpler option for boosting specific areas like the cheeks and lips, contributing to a more harmonious overall facial rejuvenation.

Choosing Your Procedure

The decision between facelift surgery and dermal fillers hinges on individual needs and desired outcomes. Consider facelift surgery if you have more advanced signs of aging, significant drooping skin, seek a long-lasting solution, can afford recovery time, and are prepared to make a substantial investment. This comprehensive approach is particularly effective for individuals experiencing pronounced aging-related changes.

On the other hand, opt for dermal fillers if you prefer a nonsurgical solution, desire a treatment at a more affordable price point, have less pronounced signs of aging, and are focused on adding volume rather than tightening skin. Dermal fillers provide a convenient and effective alternative, particularly for individuals in the earlier stages of aging who may not require the extensive intervention that a facelift provides.

Comprehensive Anti-Aging with Custom Programs

For those seeking the benefits of both options to combat the signs of aging comprehensively, a custom treatment plan may be your ideal solution. These programs create a customized rejuvenation treatment plan for the face and neck. Following a thorough consultation with a professional aesthetician, combining dermal fillers with a traditional facelift may be recommended.

We must acknowledge that everyone’s aging process is unique. By integrating nonsurgical options and surgery, a custom program aims to achieve comprehensive and harmonious anti-aging results. However, results may vary depending on your individual skin type and needs.


In the end, selecting the right procedure is a highly personal decision. It’s essential to discuss your options thoroughly with your plastic surgeon, considering factors such as your specific needs, desired outcomes, and budget. Whether opting for the transformative effects of a facelift or the convenience of dermal fillers, the goal is to achieve a rejuvenated and refreshed appearance that aligns with your unique preferences and lifestyle.

Facelift or Dermal Fillers: Which is Right for Me?
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Facelift or Dermal Fillers: Which is Right for Me?
Whether opting for the transformative effects of a facelift or the convenience of dermal fillers, the goal is to achieve a rejuvenated and refreshed appearance that aligns with your unique preferences and lifestyle.
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