Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation 3 Ways: Straight Up, with a Twist & All the Way

different options for breast augmentation

So you’re thinking about getting breast implants, but you’re not quite sure which add-on options(s) you might want or need to get your desired look. Fortunately, your basic breast enhancement choices can be broken down into three easy-to-understand options. This overview of each one should address your breast augmentation FAQs and help you to narrow down your decision.

  1. Straight Up Breast Augmentation

    If you’re looking for bigger breasts, period, a standard breast augmentation with implants could be just right for you. You’ll still have some options to choose from, like what size and profile of implants to get, what type of implant, where to place the incision and whether you want them placed under or over your chest muscle.

    To pick the best implant size, you’ll need to factor in things like your natural body shape and proportions, how active you are and what your final goals are. Going bigger is not always better, especially if you want a more modest look that still allows you to comfortably exercise.

    Your two main implant type options are silicone and saline. While silicone is the more popular of the two, thanks to its more natural look and feel and much lower risk of rippling, saline implants can be a good choice for women with larger amounts of natural breast tissue.

    As for incision type and implant placement, these are aspects of your breast augmentation that you can discuss with your cosmetic surgeon at your consultation. The inframammary incision is one of the most popular techniques, but there are other options as well, including the periareolar and transaxillary techniques.

    You should also discuss submuscular vs. subglandular breast implant placement with your cosmetic surgeon prior to your breast enhancement.

  2. With a Twist: BA + Lift

    Contrary to popular belief, breast implants alone can’t reduce breast sagging by lifting the breasts’ position on your chest. If this is a concern for you, the “with a twist” option might be your best bet. Combining breast augmentation with a breast lift gives you the best of both worlds: an increase in volume and a lifted, perkier appearance.

    Keep in mind that if you’re on the fence about whether or not you need a breast lift/BA combo, adding breast implants into the mix could make breast ptosis, or sagging, worse. If you’re really not sure if you could be a good candidate for this combination procedure, discuss your options with an experienced cosmetic surgeon during an in-person evaluation.

    If it’s likely that you’ll need a breast lift shortly down the road, you might want to go ahead and add it to your breast augmentation now for optimal results.

  3. All the Way: Mommy Makeover

    For women who don’t just want breast enhancement, they want the whole enchilada, getting a mommy makeover could make the most sense. Your mommy makeover is completely customizable, butthe most popular procedures to include are breast augmentation, liposuction and a tummy tuck.Some women also choose to add procedures like a Brazilian butt lift, upper arm lift or thigh lift.

    With this option, you can reclaim your pre-baby body by addressing multiple trouble spots at the same time, with only one recovery. Sometimes, women also choose to include nonsurgical med spa treatments like injectables or laser treatments to rejuvenate their faces as well and really take their results to the next level.

Breast Augmentation 3 Ways: Straight Up, with a Twist & All the Way
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Breast Augmentation 3 Ways: Straight Up, with a Twist & All the Way
Looking for answers to some common breast augmentation FAQs? Cosmetic surgeon Dr. James Koehler of Fairhope, Alabama shares some helpful information.
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