
When Can You Go Out without Looking Like You Had a Facelift?

BeautySmoothie - Facelift - Dec2021

You just had a facelift, and you’re ready to get out there in public again. But when can you go out without looking like you just had surgery? The answer is it depends! While that might not be the answer you were looking for, it is important to understand that your facelift recovery timeline is unique to you and subject to change based on many factors. Let’s dive into the details.

After a Facelift, Expect Bruising and Swelling

Many people wish to enjoy the benefits of a facelift without advertising they had one. So how long will you need to heal before you head out?

The first signs of facelift recovery are bruising and swelling. This is a normal part of the healing process after your facelift, so don’t be alarmed if you have these symptoms — they will subside with time! 

Swelling is typically at its worst for the first seven days post-surgery, but it can take months to completely dissipate. This means that even once the bruising has gone away and the incisions have healed, people might pick up on the idea that you had something done. 

Everyone Heals at a Different Pace

What’s more, facelift recovery time varies from person to person. This is due in large part to the rate at which your body heals — everyone heals differently! 

In general, the facelift downtime for most people falls between one and two weeks. However, this can vary based on age and overall health. It’s perfectly fine to look at average facelift downtimes online, but don’t lock onto these as guarantees. 

Following Post-Facelift Instructions Results in Faster Healing Times

If you want to ensure facelift recovery time, follow your doctor’s post-op instructions. Doing so can speed healing and reduce the risk of infection or complications. 

For example, make sure not to pick at any scabs that form after surgery — it could result in scarring (which will cause permanent damage) or slow down the healing process. 

Not All Facelifts Are the Same

It is intuitive that the more invasive or extensive a surgery is, the longer the healing time will be. Not all facelifts are a full procedure. There are also mini-facelifts, brow lifts and other smaller procedures you can choose that deliver natural results. With these, you can expect a faster recovery period.

So, Is There a Way to Make Facelift Recovery Time Shorter?

What if facelift downtime is getting you down and you’re eager to get back out there sooner rather than later? While it’s not possible for facelift recovery time to be nonexistent, there are things that can help shorten the process. 

For one, facelift recovery time can be shortened by around a week if you take certain precautions. Be sure to: 

  • Sleep with your head elevated (use pillows) and avoid sleeping on the side of your face where the surgery was performed.
  • Avoid smoking.
  • Take the prescribed pain medication as directed, to reduce swelling and discomfort. 
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Eat nutrient-rich food.

The facelift recovery timeline is unique for every single person — there’s no such thing as a “typical facelift downtime” when it comes to healing. Keep expectations realistic and be ready to change your plan to accommodate the way in which you heal.


When Can You Go Out without Looking Like You Had a Facelift?
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When Can You Go Out without Looking Like You Had a Facelift?
What is the facelift downtime like? Dr. David Dellinger at Elysian Plastic Surgery in Austin explains what you should expect from your facelift recovery.
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