Breast Enhancement Breast Lift

4 Facts on Breast Lifts

Every woman would like to have firm, flattering, youthful breasts. But 2 common factors can prevent this: loss of skin elasticity, and change in breast volume over time. In most cases a breast life surgery is the best solution to tighten excess breast tissue, raise the curve of the breast, and restore firmness. Also known as mastopexy, breast lift typically involves removing excess skin to reshape the breast, adjusting the position of the nipples to match the breast’s new form, and in some cases removing excess tissue to reduce breast size, or inserting an implant to correct for significant losses in breast volume.

Quick Facts About Breast Lifts

  • Timing – A breast lift can be appropriate for some very young women who are experiencing back pain or other complications from naturally large breasts. However, in most cases surgeons recommend this procedure for adult women who are not planning future pregnancy or other significant physical changes that can impact breast shape dramatically.
  • Technique – A typical breast lift requires 1 to 3 connected incisions: one around the areola (this incision is usually a must even for small-scale, “minimal-incision” breast reductions), one running vertically from the areola to the crease below the breast, and another along the natural, horizontal crease below the breast. The surgeon trims away the loose, excess skin along the incisions, adjusts the position of the areola and nipple to fit higher on the breast curve, and closes the incisions carefully.
  • Combination options – Because a breast lift naturally involves one or more incisions, the procedure naturally lends itself well to combination options that include either reduction or augmentation. In many cases, a lift alone is enough to restore a firmer, more youthful curve, but a skilled surgeon will be able to help you assess if the shape you want is best achieved with the help of additional adjustments.
  • Precautions – Your surgeon will be able to provide much more detailed guidance on how to plan for excellent results by taking the appropriate steps both before and after your surgery. That said, smoking and certain drugs such as anti-inflammatory medications must be avoided before and after surgery, and you can expect to set aside time to ease back into activities like exercise and sunbathing until your incisions heal completely.
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June 19, 2013
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June 19, 2013