Breast Augmentation

3 Tips to Follow for the Best Breast Augmentation Results

Breast Augmentation

Achieving the best breast augmentation results is about more than just picking the right implant size. Women can significantly affect their long-term augmentation outcome by making the right choices prior to undergoing surgery. Here are three tips to follow for beautifully augmented breasts.

  1. Choose Gummy Bear Implants

    The newest generation of silicone implants, often called gummy bear implants because of their texture, can provide augmentation patients with the most natural appearance and feel to their breasts. Designed in a gently tapered teardrop shape that mimics the natural breast, gummy bear implants may also carry a lower risk of complications like capsular contracture.

  2. Choose an Implant Size that Works with Your Anatomy

    While it is my goal to provide each patient with her ideal breast augmentation results, patients would do well to consider their natural anatomy and select an implant size that best complements their figure. Choosing a size that is several cup sizes larger than your natural breasts can result in more swelling and bruising during recovery, an obviously augmented look, or even future complications.

  3. Work with a Skilled Surgeon

    Lastly, patients should carefully select a skilled plastic surgeon who has chosen to specialize in breast augmentation. While many surgeons offer breast implants at their practices, not all of them can deliver high quality results that can meet your individual needs. Look into your surgeon’s background, qualifications, and experience. In addition, you can ask to view real patient before-and-after photos to gain a better understanding of the type of results your surgeon is capable of.

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March 3, 2015
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March 3, 2015