
2 Little Secrets to Turn Sweater Body into Bikini Ready

woman smiling and looking happy on beach

Hiding stubborn weight is easy during the cold season when you can camouflage a few extra bumps and bulges with sweaters and scarves, but not so much when summer rolls around and it’s time to hit the pool. Eating right and exercising are the cornerstones of being fit and having a bikini-ready body. Of course, there can come a point when diet and exercise seem to lose effectiveness and you’re left with frustrating fat that won’t seem to go away. Here are a couple secrets about how non-invasive treatments can kick your efforts into high gear and get you ready for your big reveal this summer.

1. Freeze Fat with CoolSculpting®

One of the biggest breakthroughs in beauty treatments is CoolSculpting®. This non-surgical liposuction alternative eliminates unwanted fat cells through the use of cryolipolysis.

If you’re thinking of using CoolSculpting to help you get that summer body, it’s important to make sure it’s the right answer for you. You may be a good candidate for CoolSculpting if any of the following describes your situation:

  • You have unwanted fat that seems unresponsive to diet and exercise
  • Bulging fat around your abdomen, thighs, hips or buttocks prevents you from wearing the clothes you want or causes you to feel uncomfortable when being intimate with a partner
  • You have a layer of excess fat that hides your muscle tone
  • You would like to complement the results of liposuction or another procedure
  • You don’t want (or are unable) to have surgery to remove your excess fat
CoolSculpting is non-surgical and can be done during a lunch-hour visit to your plastic surgeon’s office.

During treatment, a technician will apply targeted cold temperatures using a special non-invasive tool on your problem areas. You may feel slightly cold, but there’s no pain involved with CoolSculpting. There’s also no downtime, and you can return to your normal activities right away.

The unwanted fat cells respond to the CoolSculpting treatment by quite literally dying. Once destroyed, these cells will exit your body through your natural elimination processes. This means it can take several weeks before the final HCG Diet Planresults of CoolSculpting are apparent. Since you don’t have to deal with a long recovery, you can keep up with your fitness regimen while your results develop.

2. The HCG Diet Plan

HCG stands for human chorionic gonadotropin. HCG is a natural hormone that can help promote weight loss, along with proper diet and exercise. The HCG diet plan involves the introduction of HCG to the body, coupled with a customized diet plan designed to help your body work more efficiently and eliminate excess fat. Since weight problems can have hormonal components, this can be a very effective solution for people who have had trouble achieving the sculpted look they desire.

You may be a good candidate for an HCG diet plan if you are experiencing:

  • Fat that doesn’t go away, even when you are exercising regularly and eating right
  • A disproportionate distribution of fat around your body
  • Trouble keeping weight off

HCG therapy can provide several benefits:

  • Reduction or elimination of unhealthy cravings and addictions to carbohydrates and fats
  • Reduction of muscle loss while losing weight
  • Increased ability to keep weight off after losing it
  • Increased mental clarity and energy
  • Decrease in overeating and an easier time controlling portion size

Fall is the perfect time to get started transforming that sweater body into one that’s bikini-ready by summer. Talk to your plastic surgeon today about non-surgical solutions that can jump-start your fitness efforts and help you to finally achieve your beauty and fitness goals.


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