Body Contouring

How Fall Is the Perfect Cover for a Sleeker Shape Under Construction

woman lying on fall leaves

Contouring and fat-reducing procedures such as tummy tucks and liposuction are incredibly popular among both men and women. They can be a great way to restore a woman’s body after pregnancy, to complement a weight loss journey or simply to help a person reach their aesthetic and fitness goals. If you’re thinking about having something done, fall can really be a great time for scheduling body contouring procedures.

Cover Up with Winter Wear

One of the reasons fall can be the best time for body contouring is that you can hide out under sweaters, scarves and other chilly weather wear as you recuperate from surgery. If you had liposuction or a tummy tuck (or both), it can take time for the bruising and swelling to subside and your final results to fully develop. Having these procedures done during autumn months means you won’t have to worry about baring your tummy, thighs or anything else before you’re ready. Further, if you’re planning body contouring after a major weight loss, you’ll likely have multiple procedures and will need a good amount of time to fully recover.

By the time bathing suit season comes back around, you’ll be healed up and ready to show off your new curves.

Take Time Out for a Restful Recovery

Taking plenty of time to recover after having plastic surgery is an important part of healing properly and getting great results. You need to rest, relax and take especially good care of yourself. For many people, fall is the perfect time for this. Kids are going back to school and there’s often a lull between summer vacations and holiday festivities. The graduations and weddings of summertime tend to keep people too busy for much downtime, and the same goes for the parties and gatherings that come around the end of the year. Further, taking time out from work and other obligations can be easier around fall as well.

Stay Safely Out of the Sun

It’s best to avoid UV exposure while you’re recovering from plastic surgery. Too much sun can slow down your healing process and it can also cause your incision scars to darken or look more prominent. If your recovery happens during the cooler months, you won’t have to worry about accidental sun exposure or missing all the outdoor fun trying to stay covered up. However, when you do get back out there, it’s still important to slather on the sunblock to keep your skin healthy and prevent health issues associated with sun overexposure.

Fall Into Non-Surgical Body Contouring Options

Fall can still be the best time for body contouring, even if it’s the nonsurgical kind. For those who can’t or don’t want to have surgery, advancements in technique and technology have given us some great options. CoolSculpting® offers a non-invasive alternative to liposuction, using cryolipolysis to destroy and eliminate unwanted fat cells from the body. This process generally takes several weeks and for that reason, you won’t be able to see your results right away. This is why having CoolSculpting done far in advance of swimsuit season makes a lot of sense.

Unlike surgical body contouring procedures, CoolSculpting requires no recovery or downtime. If you really want to maximize your results, you can keep up a good fitness routine while you wait for those fat cells to vacate. Further, depending on your starting point and your ultimate goals, CoolSculpting may also be recommended in addition to surgical body contouring procedures.

An experienced, board certified plastic surgeon can help you figure out the procedure or combination of procedures that’s best for you. Once you have a game plan, you can figure out what kind of a recovery timeline to expect and schedule your surgery accordingly.


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