Breast Augmentation Breast Enhancement Breast Implants

Why “Proportionate” Is a Better Breast Implant Goal than “Bigger”

Breast Implants

For women looking to add some extra curviness to their figure, it’s hard to beat the results that breast implants can offer. However, it’s easy to get swept up in the excitement of bigger breasts and lose sight of the fact that overall proportionality can be more important than how huge your implants are.

Sizing Considerations

It’s natural to envision how your breasts will look after your augmentation, but don’t become too fixated on a certain cup size. There are several factors that will determine what size breast implants your body can support. And as hard as it is to hear, depending on your anatomy, some sizes may be off-limits.

Your natural breast size and chest width play a part in what size of implant will work best for your body, both today and in the long run. Lifestyle factors such as daily activities and exercise can also play a role in implant choice.

Your decision should include these factors as well as the recommendations of your plastic surgeon. The most important consideration isn’t just your final cup size, but how your figure will look afterwards—from head to toe. Unless you’re one of the women who wants a Jessica Rabbit-style silhouette, most women prefer the subtly enhanced look that balanced, natural looking breast implants can offer.

Perfect Proportions

Whether you’re looking for a sexy hourglass shape or a just a little boost to stand out from the crowd, proportionate breast implants can give your body more balance and symmetry all the way around. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to create head-turning cleavage, but in the case of breast implants, bigger isn’t always better.

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July 13, 2015
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July 13, 2015