
Top 3 Procedures to Include with Liposuction

Hair covering breasts of woman

Liposuction can be an ideal solution for patients who want to fine-tune their figure and target stubborn fatty deposits that remain despite their best weight loss efforts. Lipo is not a method of weight loss, but can enhance your natural curves to create more definition and a sexier silhouette. When you’ve decided to move forward with lipo, here are three procedures you may want to consider including in your surgery to see even more dramatic results.

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This photo illustrates the superior contouring that can be achieved by combining lipo with a tummy tuck.

1. Tummy Tuck

Liposuction is a wonderful complement to a tummy tuck because it allows me to improve and contour areas that abdominoplasty alone can’t address. While the tummy tuck will remove loose, excess skin from the stomach, lipo gives me the ability to expand upon those results by smoothing and contouring adjacent areas such as the upper abdomen and flanks. When combined with a tummy tuck, I may even be able to use lipo to bring out your inner six-pack.

2. Breast Reduction

A breast reduction can be a life-changing procedure for women who have lived with shoulder pain and embarrassment due to large, heavy breasts. In addition to alleviating pain, improving posture and restoring self-confidence, a breast reduction can yield more dramatic results when combined with liposuction. Lipo can target fat deposits in front of the armpits to further slim and create definition around your new breast shape.

3. Different Types of Liposuction

Different liposuction techniques offer unique benefits, and combining them is a great way to take a more comprehensive approach to your body contouring surgery. During your consultation, we can discuss how utilizing both traditional tumescent lipo and VASER® lipo can deliver more beautiful results and give you the shape and silhouette you desire.

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September 8, 2014
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September 8, 2014