Tummy Tuck

The Only Tummy Tuck Timeline Planner You’ll Ever Need

woman relaxing after tummy tuck

Getting a tummy tuck, or any plastic surgery for that matter, is a big decision that requires a fair amount of planning. Whether you’ve already decided for sure that you’d like to move forward with abdominoplasty or are still on the fence about whether a tummy tuck is right for you, it’s best to schedule your consultation as early as you can.

These month-to-month guidelines can help you plan your timeline to get a tummy tuck so you can get the most out of your procedure and feel confident and comfortable at every step along the way.

6 Months before Your Tummy Tuck

The ideal candidate for abdominoplasty should already be at or very close to his or her target weight. Thus, establishing and sticking to a regular exercise schedule and healthy, balanced diet as early on as you can will help you to reach your fitness goals in time for your body contouring surgery. You don’t have to be at your “ideal” body weight to have a tummy tuck, but rather maintaining a weight for your body.

You should also start researching plastic surgeons with experience performing tummy tucks in your area. Look for qualifications like board certification, affiliations with accredited medical associations and institutions, online reviews and before and after tummy tuck photos.

4 Months before Your Tummy Tuck

At this point, you should be feeling pretty good about your exercise and healthy eating regimen, as well as have a narrowed-down list of potential plastic surgeons for your tummy tuck. If you haven’t already, schedule a consultation or two with your top choices and pick the one that best fits your needs.

During your consult, make note of how friendly and helpful staff members are, how clean and organized the practice is and how well you are able to communicate with the plastic surgeon. Ask questions like:

Choose a plastic surgeon who has experience plus surgical skill, and with whom you feel comfortable discussing your needs and goals.

3 Months before Your Tummy Tuck

As the date of your abdominoplasty draws closer, it’s time to start making some arrangements for your recovery. Plan to take 1 to 2 weeks off of work, depending on your plastic surgeon’s specific recommendations, arrange for help with childcare or pet care and make sure another responsible adult will be able to drive you to and from your appointment and help you around the house for the first few days.

It’s also important that you quit smoking and keep up with your healthy diet and exercise routine while you prep for your tummy tuck.

1 Month Leading up to Abdominoplasty

In the last month before your tummy tuck, double-check with your plastic surgeon to make sure you have a detailed list of guidelines to help you prep for your procedure. Know which medications and supplements to stop taking for at least 10 days leading up to your tummy tuck, as well as what you can do to make your recovery as smooth as possible.

Get things like grocery shopping, cleaning and laundry out of the way before your tummy tuck. Prepare a few healthy meals ahead of time and store them in the freezer for easy access while you recover. And stock up on books, movies, crossword puzzles and other entertainment so you can focus on resting and relaxing when you come home.


The Only Tummy Tuck Timeline Planner You'll Ever Need
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The Only Tummy Tuck Timeline Planner You'll Ever Need
Planning your timeline to get a tummy tuck? Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Dellinger of Elysian Plastic Surgery in Austin provides a breakdown.
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