Brow/Forehead Lift

Male Brow Lift in Tampa

Brow Lift

Guys, Your Brows May Make You Look Feminine

There are physical traits we think of as masculine, like broad shoulders and a chiseled chin. And, there are physical traits that we associate with women: curvy bodies and more delicate features. What happens when feminine features appear on an otherwise masculine face? For many men in Tampa, cosmetic surgery may be the answer.

Gender Perception

A study out of the University College in London examines the correlation between physical appearance and other people’s perception of gender. Men who have physical traits that are more commonly associated with women are often assumed to have other feminine traits as well: more sensitive, more emotional and less physically strong.

While these traits are not negative in any way, men who have more feminine physical characteristics may become frustrated with these associations over time. If it’s time for a change, you may consider a cosmetic procedure to help reshape those features.

Cosmetic Sculpting

Sculpting the face and body through cosmetic procedures is the perfect way to let your strong features shine through. For example, a strong brow line is one of those qualities we expect to see on a male face. If your brow line appears less pronounced than you would like, you may be a candidate for a brow lift. In the Tampa area, this type of male cosmetic procedure is becoming more popular. Other procedures that can enhance your masculinity include cheek and chin implants, rhinoplasty and male breast reduction.

If you think it’s time to enhance the face you present to the world, please don’t hesitate to call us for a consultation.

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February 20, 2013
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February 20, 2013