Brazilian Butt Lift

How a Brazilian Butt Lift Sculpts Your Body into an Hourglass

Close up of woman's backside wearing jeans and holding a professional camera.

You can spend hours in the gym every day and still struggle to achieve the silhouette you desire. Part of this is genetics, but there is also the issue of time — there just aren’t enough free hours in the day to tackle all your problem areas. However, the Brazilian butt lift hourglass figure makes it easier to get the look you want.

What Is a BBL?

BBLs are less about lifting and more about creating a fuller, shapelier rear.

The BBL is a cosmetic procedure everyone has heard of, but few truly understand. Much of that confusion starts with its name. Brazilian butt lifts sound like they are strictly about lifting the butt and giving it a perkier appearance. However, the lift is only part of the goal.

BBLs also increase the size of the bottom. This isn’t done through traditional implants, but rather through fat transfer. Any lift seen is a result of shaping through this fat transfer rather than genuine lifting.

The BBL — It’s More Than Just Your Bottom

Here is yet another misconception about the procedure. It is easy to assume the Brazilian butt lift is all about the butt — it is in the name, after all. In truth, there is a lot more to the procedure than just plumping up the glutes.

This is because that plumping action comes from fat transfer, and that fat has to come from elsewhere in the body. Ideal spots to take from include the abdomen, waist and back. This gives the client the option for targeted removal, creating the BBL hourglass shape.

Think of It as Two Procedures for the Price of One

When you get a Brazilian butt lift, you get the benefit of gluteal augmentation and liposuction in a single session and for one price. You end up with a shapelier bottom, a slimmer waist and better contour in the abdomen and back.

For many clients, this is the driving factor that causes them to choose Brazilian butt lifts over butt implants. However, if you do not have multiple areas of the body you wish to change, this could be a drawback.

Determining if a Brazilian Butt Lift Is Right for You

It is important that the hourglass shape is truly what you want. While social media is all about curvy waists and plump rears, that doesn’t mean this is the look that is right for you. If you are confident this is the type of figure you desire, the next step is to determine if you are a good candidate.

Candidates for BBLs should meet the following criteria:

  • A desire for a rounder bottom without implants
  • Good skin elasticity in the hips and butt
  • Sufficient fat in other parts of the body that you wish to improve with liposuction

Of course, an at-home self-assessment is not sufficient for determining if this procedure is a good choice for you. To know for sure, look for cosmetic surgeons offering BBL near you.


How a Brazilian Butt Lift Sculpts Your Body into an Hourglass
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How a Brazilian Butt Lift Sculpts Your Body into an Hourglass
Dr. Gordon Andan of New York Surgical Arts in New York City explains how the BBL creates an hourglass shape for clients.
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