Tummy Tuck

6 Nitty Gritty Tummy Tuck Facts You Really Need to Know

Tummy tuck

Are you considering a tummy tuck? For many clients, this is a surgery with the potential to be life-changing, helping improve not just their looks and self-esteem, but the function and strength of their core. But before you jump headfirst into the process of getting plastic surgery, there are some tummy tuck FAQs you need the answers to.

1. You Can Choose Different Types of Tummy Tucks

Before you schedule a tummy tuck, research the procedure and arm yourself with knowledge.

A traditional tummy tuck addresses fat, loose skin and loose or separated muscles in the upper and lower abdomen. Clients can also choose a tummy tuck that addresses just the upper or lower abdominals. Then there is the 360-degree tuck, which addresses the stomach, flanks and back.

2. A Tummy Tuck May Not Be the Right Solution

It is common for clients to assume they need a tummy tuck to address any problem with the appearance of the abdomen. However, in many cases, all the person is looking for or needs is liposuction or a bit of skin tightening. Before you set your mind on a tummy tuck, be sure to speak with a plastic surgeon about what is best for your specific case.

3. You Need to Be Healthy to Get a Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck is not a weight loss solution. To get one, individuals need to be in good overall health and at a stable weight. Additionally, certain bad habits can also mean surgery is a no-go. This includes smoking and heavy drinking.

4. Recovery Isn’t a Sprint

Because a tummy tuck impacts your core muscles, recovery takes time. For most, this means taking at least 2 weeks off from most activities and not fully getting back to life as usual until somewhere after 6 weeks.

Bruising and swelling are mostly resolved within 6 weeks, though some residual symptoms may linger. Full healing takes around 9 months or more for most patients.

5. Insurance Typically Doesn’t Cover the Surgery

Some insurance plans will offer coverage if it addresses a skin condition or a health problem related to the muscles. However, this is almost always limited to the elements that address these medical concerns. Any aspects of the surgery deemed purely cosmetic are not covered.

6. Without the Right Surgeon, You Won’t Get the Right Outcome

A tummy tuck is a very complex procedure. Because it involves skin, fat, muscles and other tissues, there is a lot that the surgeon must consider as they work. Not every plastic surgeon will be able to perform a tummy tuck that delivers quality results in a safe manner.

While your biggest decision is choosing the get a tummy tuck, the second most important is the plastic surgeon you choose. Look for plastic surgeons with experience performing tummy tucks and documented results with tummy tucks that align with your goals.

If you are confident that a tummy tuck is the right choice for you, be certain that you go into your procedure informed and empowered. Confident patients armed with knowledge are more likely to see quality results.


6 Nitty Gritty Tummy Tuck Facts You Really Need to Know
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6 Nitty Gritty Tummy Tuck Facts You Really Need to Know
Dr. Stephen M. Davis of Green Hills Plastic Surgery in Nashville, TN answers your biggest tummy tuck questions, including who makes the best candidates.
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