Laser Hair Removal

5 Top Laser Hair Removal Treatment Areas

Laser Hair Removal

Excess hair is a problem for many women and men, who find that time and nature are not always kind; changes to hair density and patterning over time can cause embarrassment and even discomfort. Laser hair removal offers an effective and convenient alternative to other hair removal treatments, which can help prevent unwanted hair from growing and eliminate the need for plucking or shaving. The top 5 laser hair removal treatment areas:

  1. Legs: Laser hair removal offers a more permanent solution compared to traditional shaving and waxing. Each laser treatment session takes about 1 hour for both legs. In about 4-8 sessions, you can expect to experience permanent hair removal for all or nearly all of the hair follicles that your treatments targeted.
  2. Bikini Line: A fairly quick process, laser hair removal of the pubic area or bikini line takes 15-30 minutes per session. One benefit that makes this area so popular for this procedure is the comfort level; compared to waxing and shaving, laser hair removal is virtually painless, and after 4-8 sessions can drastically reduce hair to the point that painful shaving and waxing are unnecessary
  3. Chest: Laser hair removal offers you one of the easiest ways to get rid of unwanted hair on or around the chest. Excessive chest hair can be extremely embarrassing, but laser hair removal offers a fast option to tame excess hair into a more manageable and flattering state. Tweezing and waxing are both inconvenient and sometimes painful, and laser hair removal can achieve much more permanent results with just a few 1-hour sessions.
  4. Back: This area is not only painful to treat using traditional methods, but also awkward, inconvenient, and sometimes difficult to reach. Laser hair removal offers you the best answer to getting rid of the unwanted hair in this tricky area. How many treatments you need will depend on your hair growth patterns, but most patients treated at my center see excellent results in about 5-8 1-hour sessions.
  5. Arms: If you have thick hair growth on your arms, bleaching and shaving are the two most common options, but both of these approaches can backfire in uncomfortable ways if bleach is left on too long and creates burns, or if shaving leaves awkward “stubble” behind. Both options are also uncomfortable — though most women are used to shaving underarm areas without any problem, accidents do happen, and the time and annoyance of shaving are something most people would be happy to do without. Laser hair removal is excellent for both underarms and lower-arm hair, and depending on the patient can create permanent results in about 4 sessions.
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June 24, 2013
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June 24, 2013