Breast Implants

3 Things to Know about Recovery after Breast Implants

Breast Implants

The healing process is different for every woman, but there are some general things patients should be aware of about the recovery process after breast augmentation. Many patients focus all their energy on preparing for surgery and not enough on planning for their recovery. With some basic planning and awareness of the recovery process, however, the healing stage after augmentation can be a time of relaxation rather than stress.

  1. Planning Ahead Helps

    Before your breast augmentation surgery, arrange your recovery area. Whether your bedroom, living room or a guest room, your recovery area should be stocked with pillows, things to read or watch, and anything else you need for maximum comfort.

    By avoiding excessive moving around for the first couple of days, you can keep your body in a state of relative rest ideal for healing. Have a supply of button-up shirts on hand so you don’t have to pull anything over your head, potentially bumping your newly enhanced breasts.

  2. Have Ice Packs on Hand

    Ice packs should be prepared before your surgery so that they’re ready to go when you get home. Icing your breasts can help reduce swelling and discomfort, and can be done regularly throughout the healing process.

  3. Be Patient

    Your final results can take several weeks to a few months to fully develop. Don’t be too quick to judge your results after only a few days or weeks. Swelling and bruising takes time to subside, and your breasts will need time to accommodate the implant, a process called “settling.” By between three to six months, you should have a more realistic idea of your final augmentation results.

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February 23, 2015
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February 23, 2015