Tummy Tuck

How Soon Can You Hit the Pool after Your Tummy Tuck?

Tummy Tuck

With winter on its way out, it’s almost pool weather. You got yourself to a healthy weight before your surgery, you’ve been exercising and taking vitamins to improve your general health, and you took all of the necessary pre-surgery precautions that your surgeon recommended. So when can you start showing off your new body? It’s normal to want to get out there and take in a few jealous gazes, but getting from the operating room to bikini-ready may take more time than you expect.

Planning Your Recovery Timeline

During your first few post-surgery days, your abdomen will likely feel sore, bruised and uncomfortable. This is normal, and is part of the healing process that will likely continue for a couple of weeks, though you may start to notice positive changes in your body very quickly. As you heal, you should be able to resume your normal daily activities, and your doctor may say it’s fine to return to light activity or exercise, as long as you promise not to overdo it.

Recovering from a tummy tuck is a process, so you can’t expect to reveal your newly toned midsection immediately after your surgery. Seeing your final tummy tuck may take several weeks to a few months or more.

There is no substitute for time when it comes to proper healing, which is why it’s so important for you to schedule your surgery well in advance of whenever you’re planning to hit the pool. Allowing yourself enough time to properly recover will a comfortable, stress-free healing period to help ensure that you achieve the final look you want.

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March 24, 2015
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March 24, 2015