Breast Augmentation

For the Best Results, Don’t Quit on Your Breast Augmentation Recovery

woman sitting relaxed on couch

When it comes to breast augmentation, different people have different ideas of what makes for optimum results. For example, many women prefer subtle, natural-looking results while others may desire a more dramatic look. That’s why it’s key to discuss your goals and expectations with your plastic surgeon so he or she can help you develop a plan to get you as close to your ideal look as possible. It’s also important to talk about things like whether you might benefit from combining your breast augmentation with a tummy tuck or other procedure.

Another way to ensure great results is to recuperate the right way. Once you get breast implants, it will be awhile before everything settles into place and your final results reveal themselves. In the meantime, it’s up to you to take proper care of your new additions. Follow these breast augmentation recovery tips for a smooth recovery and your best possible results.

Sleep on Your Back

Your plastic surgeon will probably advise you to avoid sleeping on your stomach or side for at least a couple of weeks after breast augmentation surgery. This is important advice to heed, because sleeping on your back will help to keep your new implants from becoming displaced or misshapen. If you’re worried you might roll over in your sleep, place some pillows on each side of your body.

No Underwire for 6 Weeks

As tempting as it may be to see how your new breasts look in a push-up bra, you’ll want to avoid wearing any kind of underwire for at least the first 6 weeks. You’ll need to start out wearing a surgical bra or compression garment as instructed by your plastic surgeon for as long as he or she recommends. After that, you should be able to transition into a soft, supportive bra (a sports bra is usually ideal).

Great results are worth waiting for, and you’ll be glad you were patient when you finally get to show off your new breasts in a sexy bra or bathing suit.

Activity Restrictions Are Not Just Suggestions

Following your plastic surgeon’s instructions for what you can’t do (and for how long) is a vital component of a successful recovery. It can certainly be tempting to hit the gym and keep up on your workout regimen while you’re still healing. If you do too much too soon, though, you could end up affecting your results and prolonging your recovery. If your job involves heavy lifting or strenuous activity, talk to your plastic surgeon about when you should be able to return to work

Take Good Care of Your Incisions

While your incisions are healing, treat them with care. Follow any specific incision-care instructions your plastic surgeon may have given you. Avoid tanning beds or direct sun exposure while your incisions are healing, as these things can cause your scars to darken. Even after you’ve healed, use sunscreen whenever you’ll be outside. You’ll also have to avoid submerging your incision scars in water for a while after surgery. No swimming or hot tubs, and no baths. You’ll have to take showers until your incisions are totally closed.

Take Good Care of Yourself

You need to be in top condition for a smooth recovery. Make sure you get plenty of rest and eat healthy foods during your recuperation. Prepare a comfortable recovery space where you can relax. Get help from friends or family so you don’t have to do too much in the days immediately following your surgery. If you smoke or drink, you should already have stopped doing so before your surgery. Keep it up afterward, at least while you’re still recovering. These things can slow down the healing process and even cause complications.


For the Best Results, Don't Quit on Your Breast Augmentation Recovery
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For the Best Results, Don't Quit on Your Breast Augmentation Recovery
Need some breast augmentation recovery tips? The plastic surgery team at Pacifica Institute in Camarillo talks about how to take care of your new implants.
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BeautySmoothie Beauty Blog
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