Health & Wellness

Exercises to Benefit Your Post-Surgery Recovery

Exercises to Benefit

Recovery after surgery can feel like an extremely timely process. For the majority of your time during recovery, you’ll be resting at home and allowing your muscles to heal to their full strength. Whether you’ve had a mommy makeover, breast or thigh lift surgery, these all require the relevant recovery period so that results aren’t interfered with and further pain isn’t felt. However, there are ways you can remain active during your recovery period. Particular stretches can be performed to accelerate your recovery and get you on your feet again. Here is an overview of some low impact exercises that you can try without pushing yourself too much.

Early Days After Surgery

Just after your surgery, your doctor will provide you with advice of your next few steps that you should stick to. It will be heavily advised that you remain inactive for the first week or so as this will be when your skin is most vulnerable. There’s also a chance that activity could interfere with the results of your surgery as well as cause further pain. Physical activity should, therefore, be as minimal as possible.

The Next Few Weeks

The problem with remaining too inactive for too long is muscles become too stiff, making it harder to maneuver and difficult to get active again. This is why you need to introduce exercise gradually into your routine. You’ll energy levels will begin to increase which means you can start to consider light strolls. This will increase blood flow to your muscles that need it most which can contribute to better recovery. There are also light stretches that you can perform at home that won’t interfere with your surgery too much.

What to do after Breast Surgery?

Breast surgery is one of the most popular surgeries around and the muscles that it involves means its crucial for patients to reach a certain amount of activity at a particular time. Of course, different patients will have different circumstances so your doctor is likely to advise the best way to get back into your routine after breast augmentation. For example, running wouldn’t be advised as it can seriously affect the results of your surgery. Lower body exercises such as leg raises and squats are perfect examples of ideal exercises to perform. Just be sure to keep the exercises light.

What about Liposuction?

Another popular form of surgery is liposuction. Unlike breast surgery, this involves rather large muscles so how you look after yourself during recovery is extremely important. Be sure to eat well as you’ll be avoiding physical activity for the first couple of weeks. Light walking and use of a stationary bike can be useful to prevent weight gain, however. Compression garments will also be advised to be worn during exercise as it can help to prevent swelling. After 2-3 weeks or so, depending on how much liposuction that you’ve had you can, you can try more demanding exercises.

This is just an idea of common surgeries and exercises you can perform to help with their recovery, however, it’s always best to consult with your doctor as circumstances can be different with each patient. You won’t necessarily become a personal trainer overnight, but your exercise can definitely become gradual as more time passes with your recovery. Before you know it, you’ll be back to your normal routine again!

Exercises to Benefit Your Post-Surgery Recovery
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Exercises to Benefit Your Post-Surgery Recovery
There are ways to remain active during your recovery period. Particular stretches can be performed to accelerate your recovery and get you on your feet again.
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