
Does Fat Come Back After Liposuction?


It has been well established that liposuction can be a very effective method for removing unwanted pockets of fat from specific areas of the body. Liposuction is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures and most people who have this body contouring procedure, report being very satisfied with the results. In fact, a high number of people who have had liposuction continue to look fabulous for many years. Still, many wonder: does fat come back after liposuction?

Liposuction: A Forever Solution?

Liposuction literally removes fat from your body using a small vacuum-like device called a cannula. The fat that’s removed during liposuction is truly gone forever. In that sense, liposuction can absolutely eliminate unwanted fat cells for good. Yet, liposuction can’t protect you against future weight gain. Thus, in order to maintain your liposuction results, it is imperative that you prioritize healthy habits to maintain your new look long-term.

While the fat removed during liposuction is gone for good, you can always accumulate more fat cells.

Keeping the Fat Away After Lipo

So, how does fat come back after liposuction? Gaining weight again after liposuction occurs in the usual ways, such as not making healthy lifestyle choices. If you want liposuction to last, you have to be an active participant in staving off the accumulation of new fat. Therefore, start by committing to a balanced, nutritious diet. Eat foods that give you a big nutritional payoff and be sure to steer clear of empty calories and sugary snacks. Also, keep in mind, swapping out soft drinks for water is one highly effective way to fight fat. Further, take your fitness seriously. Live an active lifestyle, and make time for regular workouts.


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