
Could You Really Get Six-Pack Abs from Liposuction?

man with 6 pack abs

Cosmetic surgery is gaining in popularity and more men now receive cosmetic surgery procedures than at any time in the past. In fact, cosmetic procedures for males have increased by 325 percent over the past 20 years. Why is this? One answer is that in today’s world, men face more and more pressure to achieve and stand out. An important part of that standing out is the man’s appearance.

A good appearance will have a positive effect on a man’s career prospects and his dating life. As appearance has increased in importance over the decades, so has the procedures and techniques increased in their effectiveness to produce natural-looking results. A popular cosmetic request among men is achieving six-pack abs with liposuction.

Integrating Liposuction and Fitness

Liposuction results are only long-lasting if you make them long-lasting, which means taking care of your health and keeping off extra pounds.

Liposuction and general fitness go hand-in-hand when achieving and maintaining optimal results. A man may come closer to six-pack abs with liposuction but it will not prevent him from gaining weight in the future. For a similar reason, a man who is significantly overweight is not a good candidate for liposuction because liposuction can only remove subcutaneous fat, the fat located just under the skin, and is not intended as a weight loss tool. Liposuction can be thought of as adding a concluding touch to one’s overall physique. Maintaining one’s fitness becomes extremely important post-operation.

Six-Pack Abs and Liposuction

It is not uncommon for men to struggle to achieve their ideal figure no matter how much they exercise and how healthy their diet is. This may be because genetics is part of the equation. Sit-ups alone won’t carve out six-pack abs because the muscles in your entire body need to be worked to burn the fat that men often find accumulating in their abdomen as they age.

Additional factors that can work against your efforts to achieve six-pack abs:

  • Consuming too much dairy, sugar, or gluten
  • Drinking alcohol including wine and light beer
  • Smoking

Liposuction Procedure Options

Not all liposuction procedures are created equal. It’s important to discuss your goals with your cosmetic surgeon during your consultation so that they can create a treatment plan to meet your needs. The following are different types of liposuction procedures which can assist you in obtaining six-pack abs.

  • Tumescent liposuction. With this procedure, tumescent fluid is employed to lightly break apart fats cells before they are removed from the body. This is referred to as traditional lipo and is the most established procedure.
  • Smartlipo™️. Smartlipo™️, or laser liposuction, uses laser energy to liquefy fat cells before removing them. Basically, the heat from the laser melts the fat cells which makes it easier for them to be suctioned out of the body. An advantage of Smartlipo is it’s skin-tightening effect. The heat from the laser helps stimulate collagen and elastin production, the main components in skin elasticity.
  • Abdominal etching. Abdominal etching involves very precise suctioning of fat from the abdomen’s deep and superficial layers to accentuate a man’s natural abdominal lines. Subtle fat pads are left over the abdominals to assist in making each muscle stand out.
  • Ultrasound-assisted liposuction. Ultrasound-assisted liposuction employs ultrasound energy to assist in breaking up the fatty tissue to loosen it from the body. This contributes to easier removal of larger amounts of fat for a quicker surgery. Variations include VASER Liposelection.
  • 360-degree lipo. 360-degree liposuction involves shaping the abdomen but also the back, flanks and hips. This procedure really gets at the whole torso which has excessive overlying subcutaneous fat.

Additional Tips for Successful Six-Pack Ab Liposuction

As you prepare for your consultation with your cosmetic surgeon, make a list of your goals, ask questions about your cosmetic surgeon’s experience assisting men with similar objectives, and request to see some before and after photos of other men who have had the procedure. Be frank about your lifestyle and open about any medications you take.

For best results, make sure you are at and maintaining your target weight before scheduling cosmetic surgery. Many of the lipo procedures require you to wear a compression garment, and you may need post-operative drains when you recover from surgery.

Be sure to prepare your house before surgery and stock up on healthy foods before your procedure. This will cut down on your leaving the house and give you the nutrients you need to support your body’s healing and recovery.


Could You Really Get Six-Pack Abs from Liposuction?
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Could You Really Get Six-Pack Abs from Liposuction?
Are you are curious about whether you can really achieve six-pack abs with liposuction? New York board-certified cosmetic surgeon Dr. Gordon Andan has the answer.
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