Tummy Tuck

3 Procedures That Make a Tummy Tuck That Much Better

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When you are looking to have a tummy tuck, it is important to consider all of your options. Many people choose to combine their tummy tuck with other procedures to achieve the exact look they want. But what procedures pair best with a tummy tuck, and what specific advantages do they offer?

A tummy tuck is great on its own but can be made even better with the right complementary procedures.

What Is a Tummy Tuck?

Whether due to age, pregnancy or a period of not exercising and eating well, many people notice their stomachs aren’t as tight and flat as they once were. If you’ve tried to remedy this issue, or even hide it using things like shapewear, a good solution might be a tummy tuck.

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that removes excess skin from the tummy area. It can also tighten the abdominal muscles to create a flatter, more toned appearance. There are different types of tummy tucks you can get, depending on your specific goals and needs.

  • A full tummy tuck is the most common type of tummy tuck. It involves an incision made from hip to hip, as well as a smaller incision around the belly button. This type of tummy tuck is best for people who have a lot of excess skin and fat, as well as stretched-out abdominal muscles.
  • A mini tummy tuck is less invasive than a full tummy tuck. It involves a smaller incision, usually made just above the pubic area. This type of tummy tuck is best for people who have a small amount of excess skin and fat.
  • An extended tummy tuck is similar to a full tummy tuck, but the incision is made even longer, extending past the hips. This type of tummy tuck is best for people who have a lot of excess skin and fat, as well as stretched out abdominal muscles.

With so many options, it is easy to get the tummy tuck that is best for you. But what about enhancing your results with additional procedures?

Tummy Tuck + CoolSculpting

One popular combination is a tummy tuck with CoolSculpting. For those who are not familiar, CoolSculpting is a non-invasive fat reduction treatment that uses freezing temperatures to target and kill fat cells.

CoolSculpting can be used on many different areas of the body, including the tummy. When combined with a tummy tuck, CoolSculpting can help you achieve an even flatter stomach. The tummy tuck will remove the excess skin and fat, while the CoolSculpting will get rid of any stubborn fat cells that remain.

Tummy Tuck + Liposuction

Another popular combination is a tummy tuck with liposuction. Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes fat from the body using suction. It can be used on many different areas, including the tummy.

When combined with a tummy tuck, liposuction can help you achieve an even flatter stomach. The tummy tuck will remove the excess skin and fat, while the liposuction will get rid of any stubborn fat cells that remain.

Tummy Tuck + Breast Enhancement

Many women choose to combine their tummy tucks with breast enhancement procedures, turning it into a mommy makeover. This can be a great way to achieve your desired look, as well as improve your overall proportions.

There are many different types of breast enhancement procedures, so you can choose the one that is best for you. Some common procedures include breast augmentation, breast lift and breast reduction.

Combining a tummy tuck with any of these procedures can help you achieve the look you want. To determine which are right for you, sit down with a plastic surgeon to talk about your body goals.

3 Procedures That Make a Tummy Tuck That Much Better
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3 Procedures That Make a Tummy Tuck That Much Better
Thinking about a tummy tuck? While abdominoplasty is great, Dr. Eric Chang at Columbia Aesthetic Plastic Surgery suggests three add-ons to make it better.
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