Mommy Makeover

4 Tricks to Make Your Mommy Makeover Recovery Easier

Mommy Makeover

Between the initial excitement of scheduling your mommy makeover and finally seeing your results, you have to plan for your recovery period. During the first few weeks after your mommy makeover, which typically includes breast augmentation, a tummy tuck and/or liposuction, you’ll need to focus your energy on healing. To set yourself up for success, here are 4 simple tips that can make your mommy makeover recovery easier and less stressful.

  1. Get Organized before Your Mommy Makeover

    The last thing you want to deal with during your mommy makeover recovery is handling house chores, kid transportation or work duties. Before your mommy makeover, spend some time lining out any personal or professional responsibilities in a way that won’t interfere with your recovery time. Put an out-of-office response on your email and make sure your friends know you’ll be off the grid for a little while. Before your mommy makeover, spend some time getting your home and your life organized so you have less to worry about as you recover.

  2. Enlist Post-Op Help

    No mother should have to go it alone after a mommy makeover. Enlist friends and family to assist as you recover, especially during the first few days. You might need someone to help you get up and around initially. Friends and family can also help with the to-dos of daily life, like picking kids up from school or bringing over takeout. You’ll also need assistance getting your prescriptions and making it to your follow-up appointments. Of course, you can plan to return all those favors once you’re feeling 100 percent again.

  3. Plan Ahead

    Before your mommy makeover, stock up on anything that could make your recovery more comfortable. The last thing you’ll want is to have to make a trip to the store for something you forgot or have to go digging through your closet for the softest, most comfortable clothes to heal in. Do yourself a favor and plan ahead for your recovery time. Get your home ready by giving it a good cleaning and preparing a few quick and easy meals to have on hand. Make your most comfortable clothes easily accessible and have some healthy protein shakes or smoothie ingredients at the ready.

  4. Relax and Heal

    Sure, your body is healing, but that doesn’t mean the time after your procedures can’t be seen as an opportunity to catch up on all of those books you’ve been meaning to read, find quality movies to enjoy or even call friends you’re long overdue for a chat with. Make the most out of your downtime, and you’ll be showing off the results of your mommy makeover in no time.

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May 16, 2017