Breast Augmentation Breast Enhancement

3 Little-Known Facts about Breasts

Woman in red bra

If you’re considering breast augmentation, you’ve probably already spent a good deal of time researching various procedures and thought long and hard about your ideal results. No matter how much research you’ve done, you may still be surprised to learn a few unexpected facts about breasts.

Symmetry Is Rare

Have you ever felt self-conscious about having two different-sized breasts? It’s actually more normal than you might expect, and asymmetry between breasts can range from mild to quite noticeable. Smaller size variances can be corrected simply by wearing the right bra, while a difference of a cup size or more may benefit from breast implants to create more uniformity after surgery.

Unique Biology

An incredibly complex and vital part of the human anatomy, breasts are also the only part of the human body that can create and distribute food. Though all primates feed their young through lactation, only female humans’ breasts become full prior to puberty and remain that way up to and after menopause. Other primates’ breasts only become enlarged during active lactation; in human women, breast size has no effect on the ability to produce breast milk. Women can even breastfeed with implants.

Breast Composition Changes with Time

Youthful breast tissue is composed of a combination of collagen, glandular tissue, and fat. Collagen, the protein that comprises the body’s connective tissues, decreases over time when its production declines with age. As it fades away, collagen is often replaced with additional fat, leading to decreased perkiness and that dreaded droop. Breast augmentation can counteract these changes and restore a more youthful appearance to your figure.

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January 20, 2014
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January 20, 2014