Nose Surgery (Rhinoplasty)

13 Facts You Probably Didn’t Know about Rhinoplasty


If you’re unhappy with the size, shape or asymmetry of your nose, rhinoplasty could help you to improve your self-esteem and enjoy a more positive body image. While many people may be familiar with the general idea of a nose job, however, they’re often surprised to learn some of the facts behind this popular plastic surgery procedure.

Here are some of the most surprising rhinoplasty facts to keep in mind if you’re considering a nose job for cosmetic or medical reasons.

  1. Rhinoplasty Is Rising in Popularity

    Rhinoplasty remains one of the most common plastic surgery procedures, with more than 200,000 men and women opting for a nose job in 2016 alone. In fact, rhinoplasty is quickly becoming more and more popular among men for a variety of reasons, including:

    • Increased social acceptance of the procedure
    • Improved self-confidence
    • Repairing an injury
    • Correcting breathing problems
  2. Nose Jobs Have Been Around Longer than You Think

    While the popularity of nose jobs has been rising for over a decade, this procedure has been around for more than 2,500 years. Of course, advances in medical technology have made today’s rhinoplasty results and recovery much more streamlined.

    That said, however, there is surprising evidence that many surgical techniques similar to those used today were being used by doctors in ancient civilizations to repair noses that were cut off or damaged in battle.

  3. Surgical Technique Differs for Men and Women

    Because men and women have distinct physical features and often have very different desires for their final results, the rhinoplasty techniques for men and women are also varied. Men tend to request straighter angles and a more masculine shape, whereas women often prefer softer lines and a more feminine look.

    Depending on your specific needs and goals, Dr. Waleed Ezzat, MD, FACS can custom-tailor your nose job to help you achieve a natural, balanced look.

  4. Nose Jobs Aren’t Just Cosmetic

    While many people think of nose jobs as purely cosmetic procedures, there are a number of medical reasons why you might consider this procedure as well. A deviated septum, for instance, can lead to breathing problems and sleep apnea, and this condition can be resolved through rhinoplasty.

    In other cases, people who have experienced a facial injury or trauma that has changed the aesthetics or function of their nose might get a nose job to restore its normal shape and function.

  5. Your Voice Isn’t Going to Change

    Despite a common myth about rhinoplasty, this procedure shouldn’t cause your voice to change, provided you work with a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon. It is true that rhinoplasty often involves removing or reshaping the soft tissue and bone surrounding your nose, but if the performed properly, it shouldn’t affect the way your voice sounds.

    To choose the right plastic surgeon, look for qualifications like board certification, accreditations and memberships to reputable medical associations and before and after photos.

  6. Rhinoplasty Isn’t a One-Size-Fits-All Solution

    Bringing some pictures into your rhinoplasty consultation can help you to more clearly communicate your goals, but it’s important to keep in mind that your nose won’t look exactly like the celebrity or model in your pictures. You will still look like yourself, just enhanced.

    Having realistic expectations for your nose job is one of the most important first steps prior to your procedure. This is something that you should discuss with your plastic surgeon during your consultation to make sure you want rhinoplasty for the right reasons.

  7. Recovery Is Fairly Mild

    The recovery period for a nose job isn’t as extensive as you might think. Although everyone will recover at slightly different rates, most people are able to return to work and their normal daily activities within two weeks post-op. For 1 week after your rhinoplasty, you will need to wear a small cast, but most plastic surgeons rarely use packing techniques anymore, making the recovery process much more comfortable.

  8. You’ll Have to Avoid Taking Certain Medications

    As with most other cosmetic procedures, you’ll need to avoid taking certain medications that can thin your blood for about two weeks before your nose job and a few weeks after. This is because these medications can increase the risk of complications during surgery, as well as cause bruising.

    Some of the medications that you should avoid taking during this time are:

    • NSAIDs, including aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen
    • Warfarin
    • John’s wort
    • Vitamin E supplements
  9. Prepare to Sleep with Multiple Pillows

    When you come home after your rhinoplasty, you’ll need to keep your head elevated to minimize fluid buildup and swelling. It’s recommended that you sleep with your head propped up on two pillows while you sleep, so you might want to prepare your recovery area with plenty of fluffy pillows and blankets to make your recovery as comfortable as possible.

  10. Revision Surgery Can Correct a Previous Nose Job

    If you’ve had a nose job in the past but are unhappy with your results, you can choose to have a revision surgery to correct the problem. Just be sure to carefully choose the right plastic surgeon, and go into your procedure with realistic goals to help you get the best possible outcome.

  11. The Goal Is to Achieve a Natural Look

    Somewhere along the line, many people have gotten the wrong idea about rhinoplasty. The goal is not to make you look like someone else or to produce a “done” or fake appearance. Rather, people choose this procedure to highlight their natural beauty and make changes to the size, shape or asymmetry of their noses to create a natural look that appears in proportion with their facial features.

  12. Choosing an Experienced Plastic Surgeon Is a Must

    Although rhinoplasty can produce very seamless and natural-looking results, this procedure does require advanced surgical techniques and finesse in order to create this balanced look. Because of this, it’s important that you carefully choose a plastic surgeon who focuses on this type of procedure and has ample experience.

  13. Results Will Appear Gradually Over Time

    Although most people can resume their normal daily activities within two weeks after their rhinoplasty, your final results won’t show up overnight. Instead, they will gradually reveal themselves over the next several months.

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