Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgery

Your Surgeon’s Bedside Manner

Bedside Manner

Bedside Manner Your relationship with your surgeon shouldn’t end at the recovery room. I strive to develop a lifelong connection with each and every one of my patients.

Personal Connection Is a Must

There must be thousands of articles online talking about the importance of board certification and analyzing before-and-after photos when looking for the right plastic surgeon. Yet, while those aspects are absolutely essential to getting great results, there’s one critical thing often missing from those lists: bedside manner.

Bedside manner is about more than how your surgeon looks on paper; instead, think about the patient-doctor relationship. Does your surgeon rush you through your consultation, or is he or she happy to sit with you and answer any questions you may have? Feeling comfortable with your surgeon goes a long way to helping you feel positive before surgery, which in turn ensures a smoother recovery.

A Long-Term Relationship

Just because the sutures have been closed doesn’t mean you and your surgeon are finished. In fact, proper support during the recovery process is critical following a cosmetic procedure, because the way you heal can affect your results. Your surgeon has to be available for questions during recovery, not just at scheduled appointments and consultations. At the very least, the office staff should provide you with resources that are available around the clock in case there’s a serious issue. Sometimes, a seemingly minor complication can quickly become major if not addressed as soon as possible.

Just remember, no matter how great your plastic surgeon looks on paper, don’t forget to check out their bedside manner, too. Feeling comfortable with your surgeon during your recovery can make all the difference in your experience.

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November 7, 2013
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November 7, 2013