Cosmetic Surgery Male Breast Reduction

What’s a Daddy Do-Over and Do You Need One?

Daddy Do-Over

By now, you may have heard the term “mommy makeover” a time or two, but what about a daddy do-over? While cosmetic procedures for women after pregnancy and childbirth have become quite popular, dads seem to have been left out of the spotlight… at least, until now.

What Is a Daddy Do-Over, Anyway?

Simply put, a daddy do-over is the male version of a mommy makeover.

  Although men don’t experience pregnancy and childbirth, their bodies do undergo some similar changes in their middle age.

The combination of raising kids and climbing the career ladder can have a detrimental effect on healthy living habits like diet and exercise, which can leave many men looking and feeling much different than was likely the case in their bachelor days.

Like a mommy makeover, a daddy do-over can consist of a combination of cosmetic procedures, depending on your individual needs and wants. In many cases, the surgical procedures that you choose can be combined into a single appointment. Some of the most common plastic surgery procedures for a daddy do-over include:

There are also a number of non-surgical treatments that can help you to look and feel refreshed, such as BOTOX® Cosmetic, an injectable treatment for lines and wrinkles, and CoolSculpting®, a nonsurgical alternative to liposuction.

How to Tell If You’re a Good Candidate

Any man of any age who is in good general health can be an excellent candidate for a daddy do-over. If you’re beginning to notice that your body just doesn’t quite look like it used to, a daddy do-over procedure can help you achieve a more masculine contour and a newfound sense of self-confidence.


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October 14, 2016