
Dispelling the 3 Primary Myths about Ultrasonic Liposuction

Ultrasonic Liposuction

While lipoplasty remains one of the most common cosmetic procedures, there are still many questions among the patient population regarding ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL). An innovative procedure, UAL employs high-frequency ultrasonic sound waves to liquefy subcutaneous fat, making it more easily removed with a cannula device. This procedure is especially effective on denser tissues like those of male breasts exhibiting gynecomastia. Here are some of the more common misconceptions about this type of lipo.

Myth #1: UAL Isn’t FDA Approved

Perhaps the origins of this one stem from general confusion about the role of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA regulates the sale of medical devices and drugs. When a treatment is “FDA approved,” that doesn’t mean that the FDA endorses the treatment. What it does mean is that the FDA is allowing the device or drug to be sold to address a certain condition. All ultrasonic liposuction devices sold in the United States must be cleared by the FDA as reasonably safe and effective for the purpose of fat removal.

Myth #2: UAL is Only Useful on the Midsection

Because it is ideal for removal of large volumes of fat, there is a misconception that this lipo technique is only useful for lipoplasty of the trunk, including the stomach and back. As mentioned above, UAL is ideal for the fibrous tissues of the male breast and has excellent results in many areas of the body.

Myth #3: UAL Has Limited Advantages

UAL is an advanced technique with numerous advantages. Compared to laser assisted liposuction, studies suggest that UAL allows surgeons to remove adipose tissue with decreased incidences of blood loss and postoperative edema. Because ultrasonic frequencies employed in this technique help isolate fat cells, contouring irregularities are also more easily avoided.

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January 6, 2014
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January 6, 2014