Plastic Surgery

Can You Speed Up Your Recovery after Plastic Surgery?

Happy couple walking in the city.

Once you get plastic surgery, you might be itching to let the world see your results. But depending upon the procedure, it can be a while before the swelling is gone and you — and others — can admire the final product. Luckily, there are some tips on how to speed up plastic surgery recovery and start showing off the new-and-improved you.

1. Eat Well

A healthy diet is important whether or not you want your recovery period to go faster. Not only is it central to staying healthy, but after procedures like a tummy tuck or mommy makeover, you want to eat well to maintain your results. The fact that it can improve your recovery time is just a bonus.

So, what does it mean to “eat well” after surgery? How to speed up plastic surgery recovery with your diet means following these four rules:

  • Select protein-rich foods
  • Seek out iron in your diet
  • Skip unhealthy fats
  • Stick to whole grains

2. Get Moving

As soon as it is advisable, get up and get moving. Look for opportunities to get up and walk, even if it is just down the hallway and back to your room. When the body is moving, it naturally promotes healing and helps to get your energy levels back up. Other benefits of getting your body in motion include experiencing less pain and reducing the risk of developing constipation from your pain medications.

3. Don’t Push It

While you should get up and get moving, this does not mean hop out of your hospital bed and run a marathon. All things in moderation, including moving. Start small, see where you are comfortable and then steadily increase from there. Whatever you do, do not try to push through the pain. Pain stresses the mind and body and stress can delay healing.

4. Use Compression Garments

Another go-to strategy for how to speed up plastic surgery recovery is to wear compression garments. Obviously, this is only applicable to some surgeries. For example, compression garments are central to liposuction recovery, but you don’t need them for a nose job. These garments should be worn for at least as long as your plastic surgeon directs. Be sure to wash them often and replace them when they begin to stretch out.

5. Avoid Bad Habits

If you are a smoker or drink alcohol, you need to hold off during your recovery period. Smoking especially can slow down your body’s recovery processes and make it more likely that you will be recovering longer and even have more visible scar tissue. While it is best to kick the habit for good, you need to avoid your bad habits for a period of time before, during and after surgery. Your plastic surgeon will discuss these time frames with you.

With all that said, it is important that clients understand that there will be a recovery period no matter how well they prepare for it or respond to it. Just keep in mind that the results are worth the wait.


Can You Speed Up Your Recovery after Plastic Surgery?
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Can You Speed Up Your Recovery after Plastic Surgery?
Wondering how to speed up plastic surgery recovery? Dr. Frank Campanile of Campanile Tummy Tuck in Denver, Colorado offers tips for a better recovery.
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