Body Contouring

Improve Body Contour with Hip Laser Liposuction

woman's back

The hips are a common problem area where fat tends to accumulate easily. Fat accumulation in the hips occurs due to factors such as weight gain, hormonal changes, lack of exercise and aging. These fat rolls, (also called love handles) do not budge even with rigorous diets and exercise. Laser-assisted hip liposuction in Manhattan, NYC is an effective option to remove this excess fat and improve body contour.

Unlike conventional liposuction surgery, hip laser liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure performed using the advanced Smartlipo Triplex device. This FDA-approved Smartlipo workstation combines the power of three laser wavelengths – 1440, 1064 and 1320 nm – to liquefy the excess fat and remove it easily, effectively and safely. Its intelligent delivery systems, SmartSense™ and ThermaGuide™, monitor skin temperature and prevent overheating. The procedure comes with short downtime and recovery time, allowing patients to get back to their normal activities fast. Other benefits of this body sculpting treatment include:–

  • Minimal pain and discomfort
  • Short treatment time and quick recovery
  • Long lasting results
  • Needs only local anesthesia
  • Hardly any signs of surgical intervention

Ideal Candidates for Hip Liposuction

Though the procedure is minimally-invasive, you need to be carefully evaluated by a reliable plastic surgeon to determine your candidacy and whether it can help you achieve your overall aim of achieving proportionate, attractive hips. Hip laser liposuction is an ideal option for adults who meet the following criteria:

  • Must be at least 18 years old
  • Have localized thickness or have significant fat deposits in hip and waist area
  • Have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure
  • Have good skin tone and skin elasticity, without any sagging
  • Are nonsmokers
  • Are healthy, without any underlying medical conditions
  • Are close to their ideal weight

Recovery time after the procedure may vary from person to person based on the amount of fat removed and other individual considerations like how well their body responds. Final results become visible 2-4 months and will continue to improve as the body heals. However, regular exercise and a healthy diet are important to maintain the outcomes. Following post-operative instructions carefully is crucial to speed up the recovery process. Here are post-operative instructions patients need to follow:

  • Wear the compression garment for at least the first two weeks as this will provide the necessary support, reduce swelling and help blood circulation.
  • Take rest and sleep on your stomach for the time advised by the surgeon.
  • Take the prescribed pain medications as this will reduce any pain or discomfort. Do not take any blood thinning medications.
  • Maintain a healthy, well-balanced diet and limit consumption of salt, sugar and saturated fat. Drink enough water and fresh juice to prevent dehydration.
  • Do not apply ice-packs or a heating pad to the treated area.
  • Avoid engaging in strenuous activities such as running or aerobics for at least six weeks after the procedure. However, light walking is recommended to prevent blood clots.
  • Avoid driving for the first 24 hours after surgery. Arrange for someone to drive you home after the surgery.
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking.
  • To reduce the risk of infection, keep the incisions dry and clean. Avoid swimming.

If you are considering hip liposuction in NYC, make sure you choose an AAAASF- accredited plastic surgery facility. Established plastic surgery practices offer the services of a skilled and experienced plastic surgeons. An experienced Manhattan liposuction surgeon will provide customized treatment and end-to-end care till complete recovery.

Laser Assisted Hip Liposuction for Best Body Contouring Results
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Laser Assisted Hip Liposuction for Best Body Contouring Results
Performed using the using the Smartlipo Triplex workstation, hip laser liposuction removes stubborn fat, tightens the skin, and improves body contour.
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