Plastic Surgery

5 Things to Know Before Undergoing Plastic Surgery

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The prospect of having plastic surgery is exciting. Having the opportunity to change and improve an area of the body or face that bothers you can feel empowering and full of possibility. Although it is elective surgery, plastic surgery is still major surgery. It shouldn’t be considered lightly. Before undergoing plastic surgery, there are five main points you should consider first.

1. Your Doctor and Surgery Location 

Plastic surgery is an art, one that requires training and practice. Due to its popularity, an increasing number of doctors are performing plastic surgery procedures as part of their practice. This doesn’t mean they’re trained and certified in plastic surgery, however.

When choosing your doctor, verify that he or she is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, ensuring that they’ve received the rigorous training demanded for this certification. Research the doctor’s experience. How long has he or she been performing this procedure? How many procedures has he or she done? Check online to see what previous patients think about the doctor and their results.

Your surgery location should be a fully accredited outpatient center or surgical clinic. The anesthesiologist must also be board-certified, and your doctor should have hospital privileges. All of this helps ensure your safety during the procedure and afterward if any complications arise.

2. What Are the Risks?

Having plastic surgery can be appealing, but you must remember that no surgery is without risk. Plastic surgery is no exception. Anesthesia, the mix of drugs that put a patient into a sleep-like state, so they don’t feel pain, carries a risk. There is also a risk of infection afterward. Other issues may arise as well, so know when to call your doctor or go to the ER.

A frequently ignored risk is the risk of disappointment. Plastic surgery is meant to improve areas of the body or face, not perfect them. However, perfection is impossible, and it’s wise to remember that.

While you may want to change or improve your appearance, you don’t need plastic surgery. Plastic surgery is an option for handling issues that bother you. Undergoing plastic surgery should be something you do for yourself, not to please others. Understand exactly why you want the procedure for you and decide if having it done will make you happier.

3. What Does Your Doctor Say about Your Expectations?

There are many different types of plastic surgery procedures. Thoroughly investigate the procedure you’re considering, including looking at the work your doctor has done in the past. Ask to see before and after pictures of your doctor’s work, and check out the results others have had online. You can find comments and photos on sites like RealSelf to help you understand more.

Most importantly, sit down with your doctor and tell him exactly what you want to see after healing. Discuss even what seem like smaller details. Learn where incisions will be and what to expect regarding scarring.

By working together with your doctor, you can achieve a result you love. We answer all their questions and work to ensure they know how their surgery will look immediately afterward and as it heals. Don’t rely on your imagination or other people’s testimonials. Work with your plastic surgeon to understand the outcome before the surgery.

4. The Cost of Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery is expensive. Most health insurance providers don’t cover it, and many don’t cover care for any issues that result from plastic surgery. Before you dive in, get a complete picture of the cost of the procedure or procedures you’re considering. The total price is more than that of your doctor. The anesthesiologist and the surgical site will add to your total as well. It’s possible there are other expenses, too.

Financing may be available, but you still need to have confidence that this is money well spent. Can you afford to dedicate this amount of money to the surgery, even if you’re paying it off well into the future? If the answer is yes, that’s great. If not, you might try saving money before having the surgery, so you’re comfortable knowing you have it covered.

5. What to Expect During Recovery

Your recovery time depends on your procedure. Minor procedures may only require a few days to a week or rest. More invasive procedures like a Mommy Makeover necessitate a longer recovery time. Make time to take care of yourself after plastic surgery, including taking time off work. If you’re a stay-at-home parent, arrange care for your children for at least a few days after your surgery.

Infection is a risk after any surgery. Watch for signs like swelling, unusual bleeding, significant inflammation, pain, or fever, especially during the first 48 hours.

For more invasive surgeries, it can take weeks to recover. Schedule ahead and plan how to handle time off work or other responsibilities. Allow your body time to heal before jumping back into your everyday daily life. Remember, your body will be healing for a long time afterward. It can take as much as a year before you see your full results.

As more men and women embrace plastic surgery, we can see how society is increasingly accepting the normalcy of this option. Having body issues corrected can be a boost to a person’s self-esteem.

A well-informed decision is always the best way to go, so ask every question you have, speak with others who’ve had the procedure, and do your research. Then you’ll know if undergoing plastic surgery is the best choice for you.

5 Things to Know Before Undergoing Plastic Surgery
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5 Things to Know Before Undergoing Plastic Surgery
Plastic surgery is elective, but it's still major surgery. Consider these five points to make the best decision for your procedure and have a result you love!
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