
Your Winter Prep Skincare Guide

Skincare Guide

As winter rolls around, you might be looking forward to cozy fireplaces, sparkling lights, time with loved ones and steaming mugs of hot cocoa. Conversely, you may be dreading goose bumps, chapped lips and dry skin. The colder climate can take a toll on your complexion if you’re not careful. Luckily, there are always proactive steps for tending to your skincare.


What’s important to remember is that with the change in climate, you should also be changing moisturizers. You’ll want to switch to oil-based lotions that retain the most moisture while being careful to avoid greasy products that can clog pores. If you’re having trouble finding the right lotion, it can be helpful to seek a professional to guide you through the process or even provide you with resources for healing damaged skin from cold winters past.

Bundling Up

Aside from being fashionable and fun, winter wear can also do wonders to protect your skin. Gloves can help you get the most out of lotions and creams by trapping the moisture on your hands. Just be careful not to get them wet, as soggy gloves or socks can irritate your skin. Soft sleepwear can also provide a gentle relief for sensitive skin at the end of the day.

Around the House

The steps you take to keep warm around the house might not be stellar for skin care. Taking long, hot showers can be a warm welcome home, but they can strip your skin of moisture, so consider limiting bathing time if you’re set on hot temperatures. Heating systems also lead to dry air that can negatively affect your complexion. Luckily, a humidifier can counteract the dryness to keep your skin smooth, while you stay warm.

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December 23, 2015