
Why Your New Year’s Resolution Needs to Meet Exilis Ultra

happy new year crown

A brand-new year is upon us. As the calendar resets, we tend to reflect upon the past year and think about ways we could look, feel and do better during the next one. These promises to ourselves are generally made with all the best intentions. We might make a collage, or a super inspirational Pinterest board to help us get fired up to make these positive changes. Unfortunately, we’re pretty awful at the following through side of things. Recent statistics show that 80 percent of New Year’s resolutions fail before spring hits. Ouch.

This year, consider getting a little help keeping your resolutions intact by addingExilis Ultra to your anti-aging arsenal. There are more than a few reasons this non-surgical treatment might be the right way to ring in a gorgeous new year.

Exilis Is Non-Invasive and Customizable

By using radiofrequency energy to penetrate deep into your skin, Exilis Ultra stimulates fat cells to shrink. What’s more, this type of treatment prompts your body to ramp up its own natural collagen production. This is achieved without surgery; no poking, prodding or scalpels involved! It’s generally not painful, although you may be given a topical numbing cream to help with any discomfort.

Exilis doesn’t use needles, lasers or scalpels – and you can have it done on your lunch hour.

Exilis Ultra can be customized to work with your body and help achieve your specific aesthetic goals. During treatment, a dermatologist will combine both radiofrequency and cooling energy at very particular rates. These are carefully regulated and adjusted as needed according to the thickness of your skin in the area being treated. This is not only to prevent damage to delicate skin around the treated site, but also to help optimize your treatment for the best possible results.

There’s No Downtime

Trying to keep up on those self-improvement resolutions can be hard enough, especially when just thinking about recovering from a cosmetic procedure makes you feel exhausted. Who has time for that? If you don’t, Exilis could be your new best friend. You can go back to all your usual activities right away after having Exilis Ultra. Just be sure to wear sunscreen if you go outside (which you should totally be doing anyway), and you’re good to go.

Exilis Provides More Comprehensive Results

Exilis is unique in that it helps to contour the body by eliminating or reducing unwanted fat, and also helps to improve the texture and tone of the skin by stimulating collagen production. This can produce a more holistic, natural result. Collagen loss is a part of normal, healthy aging, but it’s also a big part of what makes you start to lose that youthful glow as you get older. If your skin is showing signs of aging, removing fat alone may make you look thinner, but will do nothing to make you look younger. By improving the skin’s tone, Exilis Ultra can visually turn back the clock.

If your list of New Year’s resolutions include one about looking younger, slimming down or feeling better about yourself, you may want to meet Exilis Ultra – but don’t allow just anyone to introduce you. Book a consultation with a board-certified dermatologist whocan examine you, listen to your concernsand help you make an educated decision about Exilis Ultra. It might be just what you needto move at least one of your resolutions from the “I should” to the “I actually did” section of your list.


Why Your New Year’s Resolution Needs to Meet Exilis Ultra
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Why Your New Year’s Resolution Needs to Meet Exilis Ultra
Wondering about Exilis Ultra treatment benefits? Bala Cynwyd dermatologist Dr. Lynn M. Klein discusses the ways Exilis could help your new year's resolutions.
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BeautySmoothie Beauty Blog
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