Chin Augmentation

Why Your Double Chin Is So Stubborn

woman under bed covers

You catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and swear you saw more than one chin. A double chin, also known as submental fullness, is an area where fat accumulates, creating the appearance of a second, or even third, chin. While most often connected to being overweight, the fact is many factors can contribute to this additional chin and, unfortunately, lifestyle changes aren’t always enough to get rid of it. Here we explore the double chin, what causes it, and what treatment options are available to give you back a single chin appearance. 

Causes of a Double Chin

While many assume a double chin develops due to being overweight, the fact is that excess weight is only one potential cause of a double chin. Other common causes of a double chin include:

  • Aging Skin – As you age, your skin loses elasticity and begins to sag. As collagen levels decrease, this sagging becomes more prominent. In the neck, this can lead to sagging and the appearance of a double chin. 
  • Posture – Unfortunately, the introduction of computers and smartphones now plays a vital role in the development of double chins. When you spend hours on a phone or laptop with your neck bent over, this poor posture affects the platysma muscle or the muscle that connects the neck to the chin. When this muscle weakens, the result is a sagging appearance of the jowls and neck.
  • Genetics – If a double chin seems to run in the family, it may simply be that the family facial structure is more prone to double chin development.

Double Chin Treatment Options

If a double chin is leaving you feeling self-conscious and lifestyle changes, such as diet or exercise, are not making a difference, there are some surgical options you may want to consider.


If your double chin is due to stubborn pockets of excess fat, liposuction may be the best treatment option. This procedure uses specialized tools to remove the fat pockets to sculpt your chin and neck, giving you a single-chin appearance.


A facelift is a procedure designed to remove visible signs of aging on the face and the neck. In regards to a double chin, a facelift procedure allows the surgeon to remove fat and skin while also tightening the skin around the neck and chin.

Direct Excision Neck Lift

A direct excision neck lift is a different type of neck lift that directly targets the excess skin responsible for the double chin appearance. In this procedure, the surgeon directly cuts out the excess skin on the neck, creating a smooth appearance. 

If a double chin is leaving you avoiding the mirror, Dr. Ezzat and his team can help match you with the plastic surgery procedure that best matches your goals.

Why Your Double Chin Is So Stubborn
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Why Your Double Chin Is So Stubborn
Dr. Waleed Ezzat in Boston explains what causes a double chin and what surgical treatment options are available to treat this submental fullness.
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