
Why Liposuction Isn’t Just About Removing Extra Fat

Tummy Tuck

Liposuction is well known as a method for getting rid of stubborn fat, but did you know that there’s more to the procedure? While fat removal tends to be the main reason for liposuction, it’s not intended as a weight loss substitute, so it isn’t purely about ridding yourself of some extra weight. If you’re at or near your ideal weight but are struggling with stubborn pockets of fat, liposuction could be the key to a more contoured, toned-looking body. Liposuction should really be considered “lipo-sculpting.”

Liposuction Results in a Smoother Shape

As liposuction focuses on specific problem areas, it can be excellent for revealing a svelte waist or toned midriff that’s obscured by some fat that simply will not budge through diet or exercise. Your cosmetic surgeon will discuss your liposuction options with you, and will work with the natural contours of your figure when planning your procedure to ensure the liposuction results enhance your existing shape.

Thanks to innovations in cosmetic surgery, liposuction results can be more impressive than ever in achieving beautiful contours.

Finishing Touches to Your Hard Work

When it comes to losing weight and attaining your ideal figure, the hard work is up to you. You’ll need to follow a healthy diet and exercise routine to drop those extra pounds. However, once you’ve done the work, your cosmetic surgeon can put the finishing touches on the areas of your body that haven’t responded to your weight loss program and don’t look quite how you imagined they would. As liposuction works with your natural shape, your cosmetic surgeon will be able to determine the most suitable route to help you enjoy excellent results.

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February 2, 2017
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February 2, 2017