Breast Augmentation Breast Implants

Why Do Breast Implants Take So Long to ‘Drop’?

Breast Implants

Women undergoing breast enhancement surgery should not expect overnight results. The process of breast augmentation recovery involves patience over the following weeks and months. In the initial weeks following an augmentation, it’s normal for implants to sit high, and it can take several months before the implants drop into their final position. How and when implants settle into place will depend on several factors, including implant placement, size of the implant and skin quality.

Implant Placement

How long it takes for a new implant to settle depends partially on whether the implant is placed above the muscle, in what’s known as subglandular placement, or below the pectoral muscle in submuscular placement. Submuscular implants usually take longer to drop, as the pectoral muscles must gradually stretch to accommodate the implant. Ask your surgeon about breast massage techniques to encourage optimal implant settling for your particular placement.

Implant Size

The larger the implant, the more breast skin is needed to stretch around it. This means that larger-sized implants can take longer to drop into their final position. Women who opt for smaller implants, on the other hand, can typically see their final results faster.

Skin Laxity

Skin quality varies from person to person, and some people’s skin just has more natural stretch, or laxity to it. Age is also a factor, as our skin loses some of its natural laxity when get older. Women with greater skin laxity may not need to wait as long for their implants to drop than those who have tighter, less flexible skin.

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September 22, 2015
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September 22, 2015