Nose Surgery (Rhinoplasty)

When to Consider Revision Rhinoplasty

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Rhinoplasty is one of the most complex facial plastic surgeries to perform, due to the intricate nature of the nasal structure and anatomy. Even when everything goes as planned, there may be reasons why you might consider a second procedure down the road.

However, revision rhinoplasty should be carefully considered, as this may not be the solution for everyone. Use this guide to help you decide if a second nose job might be worth considering in your situation.

Wait at Least 12 Months to Consider Revision Rhinoplasty

Most importantly, you need to wait until you have fully healed from your previous rhinoplasty procedure before even considering a revision. It can take at least 12 months for the appearance and function of your nose to stop changing over time as your nose continues to heal and swelling continues to diminish.

If you assess your nose job results too early, you could be making a rash decision based on incomplete results that might end up being exactly what you hoped for if given a little more time to develop.

If, on the other hand, you have already waited 1 to 2 years after your first nose job and are still unhappy with your results, consider the following instances when revision rhinoplasty may be appropriate.

You must be completely healed from your previous rhinoplasty before thinking about a second procedure.

You Still Have a Cosmetic Concern 

It is difficult to predict exactly how your nose might heal and whether or not it will continue to have “tissue memory” and revert back to its original shape over time. In this case, where a cosmetic concern is still present after a fully-healed rhinoplasty, you might consider a secondary rhinoplasty with an experienced facial plastic surgeon who understands the complexities of the nasal structure and is confident that a corrective rhinoplasty can address your concerns.

You Still Have a Medical Concern 

Even if you love the way your new nose looks, medical issues that still remain such as restricted airways and breathing problems can be valid reasons to consider a second functional rhinoplasty procedure to fully correct those concerns.

You a Sustain New Injury or Medical Concern

In rarer instances, a person may be pleased with the appearance and function of their nose post-rhinoplasty, but an unrelated injury or accident has negatively affected the results of their initial nose job. This could absolutely be a reason to seek a revision or reconstructive procedure to restore your original results.

You Have Realistic Expectations about Your Results

Whatever your specific reason is for thinking about getting a second nose job, it is imperative that you have realistic expectations about your results. No amount of procedures will leave you satisfied if you do not have a realistic idea of what your nose will look like in the end.

Rhinoplasty is a complex procedure that can have a profound effect on the appearance and function of your nose, but within reason. Like all surgical procedures, there are limitations that come along with rhinoplasty, and it is important to discuss these with your facial plastic surgeon prior to your nose job or nose job revision.

When to Consider Revision Rhinoplasty
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When to Consider Revision Rhinoplasty
Should you get revision rhinoplasty? Facial plastic surgeon Dr. Waleed Ezzat in Boston shares some examples of when corrective rhinoplasty might be worth it.
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