Nose Surgery (Rhinoplasty)

When Can You Have Revision Rhinoplasty?

smiling woman covering nose

In an ideal world, everyone would love their rhinoplasty results for years to come after their initial procedure. Unfortunately, however, this is not always the case. There are a number of reasons why you might be thinking about revising your previous nose surgery, but before you schedule your revision rhinoplasty, here’s what you should know.

Reasons to Get a Second Nose Job

For some people, revision rhinoplasty involves only minor changes that your plastic surgeon may be able to address much sooner than more extensive revisions. You might consider a full revision if your nose didn’t heal exactly how you or your plastic surgeon had expected, if your plastic surgeon over-corrected a specific area, or if your results aren’t quite as dramatic as you’d hoped.

Other times, amedical issue such as breathing problems might need to be addressed further or may be newly developed as a result of your first rhinoplasty procedure.

While these are all very valid reasons to look into a second nose job, it’s crucial that you also understand the limitations of revision rhinoplasty. Nose surgery can help to correct asymmetry and undesirable bumps and shapes, but it can’t give you an exact replica of someone else’s nose and there are limitations to how much change can be achieved.

Sit down with your plastic surgeon and discuss your concerns and goals to help you decide if a revision rhinoplasty could be right for you.

How Long to Wait for Revision Rhinoplasty

Bear in mind that it can take up to one year for your full results to develop after your first rhinoplasty. During the healing process, it’s normal to experience some swelling, bruising and other side effects that could temporarily take away from your results.

Try to be patient and allow your body the time it needs to heal. Listen to your plastic surgeon’s rhinoplasty recovery guidelines and avoid strenuous activity for at least one month after your procedure. Most people are able to return to work and resume their normal daily activities around two weeks after getting a nose job, but you’ll still need to take it easy for several more weeks to ensure optimal healing.

Around the 6-month mark, if you’re still unhappy with your nose job results, talk to your plastic surgeon about the possibility of a revision and what a second surgery might entail in your specific case. Since everyone is going to heal slightly differently, there’s no hard-and-fast rule as to when the perfect time for your revision rhinoplasty might be. That said, your plastic surgeon may recommend waiting a full 12 months after your first rhinoplasty to schedule a revision.

Picking a Plastic Surgeon

Rhinoplasty revision is a very technically difficult procedure, so make sure you’re working with someone you trust and who has ample experience in nose surgery and revision nose surgery. If you were unhappy with your results from your first rhinoplasty for aesthetic reasons,you may want to seek a second opinion from a different plastic surgeon for your revision.

Whether you’re working with the same surgeon as your initial procedure or someone different, just make sure your facial plastic surgeon is board certified and can provide before and after photos of previous rhinoplasty revisions they’ve performed.In the hands of a skilled and experienced professional, revision rhinoplasty can be very successful.


When Can You Have Revision Rhinoplasty?
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When Can You Have Revision Rhinoplasty?
Thinking about revision rhinoplasty but not sure how long to wait? Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Waleed Ezzat of Boston shares some tips.
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BeautySmoothie Beauty Blog
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