Cosmetic Surgery

What’s the Best Cosmetic Treatment for Wrinkles?

Woman looking at her reflaction in the mirror touching her laugh lines on her face.

No one wants to show signs of aging, but unfortunately, as you get older, your body fights against you. Collagen production lowers and your skin begins to lose elasticity. Wrinkles appear and skin begins to sag.

Many cosmetic treatment options are available that help stimulate collagen and help reduce the signs of aging, including wrinkles. Many of these treatments require little to no downtime and produce youthful looking skin after only one treatment. Here are some of the best med spa treatments for wrinkles.


No doubt you have heard of BOTOX® before. This injection treatment typically treats frown lines, forehead wrinkles, crow’s feet, and creases in the neck. BOTOX is an intramuscular injection that targets the muscles in the face. Relaxed muscles do not contract, thus do not create wrinkles. After injection, results typically take full effect within a week and can last for months, with repeat treatment intervals recommended every 3 to 4 months.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers, often called soft tissue fillers, work slightly different than BOTOX. Unlike BOTOX that gets injected into the muscle, dermal fillers go just beneath the surface of the skin. The goal of dermal fillers is to add volume and fullness to areas that have lost the subcutaneous fat that gives young skin its youthful look.

When it comes to wrinkles, dermal fillers work best on static wrinkles around the mouth and along the cheeks, often the result of collagen loss. Dermal fillers include a variety of different FDA-approved gel-like substances, including some that can even help promote natural collagen production.

Nanofractional RF

Nanofractional radio frequency (RF) is a combination of microneedling and radio frequency. The tiny needles deliver radio frequency energy to heat the skin’s surface. This heating and micro-trauma stimulates the body to create more collagen, resulting in skin with greater elasticity, a softer feel and a more youthful appearance. In addition to targeting fine lines and wrinkles, Nanofractional RF also treats pigmentation irregularities and redness.

Dynamic Variable Depth Radio Frequency (DVD RF)

Dynamic variable depth radio frequency, or DVD RF, is similar to Nanofractional RF in that it combines microneedling with radio frequency. The difference is that DVDRF can reach greater depths, allowing for greater improvement in skin texture and improvement. Most people see improvement after just one treatment, but find the best results are achieved with multiple sessions.

Fractional CO2 Technology

Fractional CO2 technology is a form of laser skin resurfacing that offers less damage and downtime than traditional ablative laser resurfacing options. Fractional CO2 targets wrinkles and other skin concerns while leaving other areas untouched to allow for faster recovery. Downtime is minimal with facial treatments typically healing in 3 to 5 days. Unlike older laser treatments, side effects are much more minimal with Fractional CO2. Most people describe a feeling of a sunburn for a few hours to a few days after the procedure.

You don’t have to settle for wrinkles and aging skin any longer. These procedures are safe and effective ways to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, stimulate collagen production, and help restore a more youthful appearance. In addition, many of these procedures also address other signs of aging aside from wrinkles, enabling you to treat many concerns at once.

What’s the Best Cosmetic Treatment for Wrinkles?
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What’s the Best Cosmetic Treatment for Wrinkles?
Wondering what the best med spa treatment for wrinkles are? Dr. Richard Gangnes and the team at Facial Aesthetic Concepts in Orange County have the answer.
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