Neck Lift

What You Need to Know before Having a Neck Lift

Mature man and woman holding hands going for a walk outside.

You might be thinking about getting a neck lift if you’re unhappy with loose skin, excess fat or signs of aging in your neck and chin. Before moving forward with any plastic surgery procedure, it’s helpful to do a little research to make sure you’re a good candidate and to you know what to expect before and after. This guide should help you decide if this procedure is right for you and, if so, help you prepare for your neck lift surgery and neck lift recovery.

1. A Neck Lift Targets the Chin and Neck Area

It’s important to have a clear understanding of what a neck lift can do for you and what its limitations are to help you decide if this procedure is a good fit for your needs and goals. During a neck lift, your plastic surgeon can remove and tighten excess skin, address muscle banding in the neck and remove stubborn fat in the under-chin or submental area.

However, this procedure does not address other areas of your face. So if you are also bothered by wrinkles or sagging skin in your mid-face or brow area, combining your neck lift with a facelift, brow lift or other anti-aging treatments may be the most appropriate solution.

2. Some Prep Work Will Be Involved

Prior to any surgical procedure, you’ll need to do a little prep work to ensure your safety, and support quality results and a smooth recovery. If you’re a smoker, you’ll need to quit or at least take a break from this habit for several months before and after your neck lift. Tobacco use can increase the risk of complications during surgery and can also slow your body’s healing process.

Additionally, you will have some downtime after your neck lift. Do some planning ahead so you don’t have to worry about anything later besides resting and relaxing. Plan for things like help with grocery shopping, cleaning, carpooling the kids and taking care of pets and chores at home.

3. Expect to Wear a Supportive Strap for the First Week of Recovery

Your plastic surgeon will likely send you home with a special supportive garment to wear for the first few days to a week after your neck lift. This should help to reduce swelling and make you more comfortable as you recover. Some tightness and soreness are to be expected, but these effects should gradually improve over the weeks after your surgery.

Some people describe tightness after a neck lift as being a mild ‘tight turtleneck’ feeling for the first week or so.

4. Most People Return to Work within 1 to 2 Weeks

You will need to take some time off work and other daily obligations to recover from your neck lift. Most people take anywhere from 1 to 2 weeks off, depending on how physically demanding their job is. Work with your plastic surgeon to help you determine when you might be ready to go back to work and resume other regular activities.

5. You Should Be Back to Your Normal Routine within 2 to 4 Months

Generally speaking, most people feel back to their normal selves within 2 to 4 months after a neck lift and can resume more strenuous physical activities within about 1 month. However, it can take 6 months to a year to see your final results.


What You Need to Know before Having a Neck Lift
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What You Need to Know before Having a Neck Lift
Have questions about your neck lift recovery and what to expect? Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Waleed Ezzat of Boston, Massachusetts weighs in.
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