Liposuction Plastic Surgery

What to Expect After Liposuction

woman after liposuction

Liposuction is wildly popular around the world, and is the answer to a lot of people’s lingering fat problems. Liposuction works through the use of suction to remove unwanted fat pockets from problem areas. It’s the go-to procedure for getting rid of that stubborn fat that refuses to go away, despite your best efforts in the gym. However, liposuction is a major surgery and it’s important to go in with both eyes open so you understand what to expect after liposuction from your recovery to your results.

Getting Help During Your Recovery

The day of your surgery, you will need someone to drive you home and stay with you. In the days that follow, it’s important for you to rest and recuperate.Make sure your spouse, friends or other family members can assist you with things such as childcare, cooking, driving and heavy lifting during your recuperation period. Further, planning your liposuction recovery in advance with healthy pre-made meals can help you stay off your feet while keeping nutritious meals on the table while you recover.

You may need to call in some reinforcements to take over your duties while you recover, especially if you have children to look after.

Pain and Discomfort After Liposuction

For several days following your surgery, you’re likely to experience some degree of pain. Your post-liposuction discomfort level depends on several factors, including: the extent and location of the liposuction, the technique your plastic surgeon used, and your own tolerance for discomfort.

Any symptoms of discomfort after liposuction are best managed by following your plastic surgeon’s recovery instructions. Your pain management plan may include: rest, over-the-counter medications, ice, prescription drugs or a combination of these and other strategies.

Waiting for Your Results

While liposuction is a very effective way to remove unwanted fat, you will have to be patient as you wait for bruising and swelling to give way to your gorgeous results. This is why many people choose to have liposuction in the winter, giving themselves plenty of time between surgery and summertime. If you have your liposuction in the summer, you may not be ready to show off your new curves before the season ends.

Keeping Your Expectations in Check

Having realistic expectations about what can be achieved through liposuction is an important part of preparing yourself to have the procedure. Therefore, you should find out as much information as possible to help you manage your expectations about your recovery experience, and about your ultimate results. Further, your plastic surgeon should discuss with you what kind of outcome may be possible, and should also explain the limitations of plastic surgery.

What to Expect after Liposuction Long-Term

The results of liposuction can last indefinitely. However, this isn’t a guarantee. You will still have to make the effort to stay slim by maintaining a fitness regimen and being selective about what you eat. Further, if you gain weight after having surgery, it’s likely that your liposuction results will be affected. This may be of particular concern to those who have liposuction after weight loss.

Exactly what to expect after liposuction will vary depending on your unique circumstances. Someone having liposuction on one small area will probably have a different experience than a person who has several areas treated.

Another factor to consider when thinking about your recovery and your results is whether you plan to combine your liposuction with a tummy tuck or other surgical procedures. Therefore, keep an open dialogue with your plastic surgeon from your liposuction consultation through your recovery to help you stay calm and confident on your path to your best self.

What to Expect After Liposuction
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What to Expect After Liposuction
Wondering what to expect after liposuction? Plastic surgeon Dr. David Kaufman of Sacramento talks about life after liposuction from recovery to results.
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BeautySmoothie Beauty Blog
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