Injectable Fillers

What if You Bruise after Getting Injectable Fillers or BOTOX®?


Injectable fillers and BOTOX® are quick and typically affordable ways to temporarily transform your look, or even ward off signs of aging. Unlike with surgical procedures, there is no downtime after getting injectable fillers or BOTOX; you are free to get them on your lunch break and then head right back to work.

But does this mean you won’t be left with any signs that you had a little something done? Not quite. While there are no sutures or scars, sometimes, you can be left with a bit of bruising at the injection site.

Bruising after Injectable Fillers and BOTOX

With either fillers or BOTOX, very small needles are used, and the injectable is carefully administered. This minimizes the risk of bruising. However, just like with a shot of medicine to the arm, it is possible for the skin to react by bruising. This happens both due to the needle penetrating the skin and the presence of the injectable behind it, pressing onto the tissues.

The good news is that this bruising tends to be pretty minimal and goes away quickly. However, you might be in a situation where you need to speed up the healing.

Methods for Preventing or Eliminating Bruising after Injections

You can’t 100% prevent bruising but you can make it less likely.

Knowing that bruising is a possibility, it is a good idea to start preparing for this before your treatment. While nothing can guarantee 100% prevention, there are steps you can take to make bruising less likely, as well as things to do to help bruises fade faster if they do develop.

Stop Taking Medications and Supplements That Thin the Blood

Certain medications and supplements thin the blood by slowing down the actions of your platelets — the cells that stop bleeding and prevent or reduce bruising. Medications that can cause this include naproxen and ibuprofen, while problematic supplements include vitamin E, St. John’s Wort, garlic, turmeric, chia seeds and Ginkgo biloba. Research any medications and supplements you are taking and if you find they have a blood-thinning effect, consult with your doctor about temporarily stopping them.

Don’t Imbibe for 24 Hours before Treatment

Alcohol causes the blood vessels to dilate, which increases the risk of bleeding and bruising. These effects take place whether you drink heavily or just have a small glass of wine. Luckily, these effects don’t last long, so you just need to avoid alcoholic drinks for 24 hours before getting injections.

Use Ice to Constrict Blood Vessels

Before your treatment, apply ice to the injection site unless your doctor directs you to do otherwise. Only leave the ice in place for five minutes at a time and take 15-20 minutes off. This will help constrict the blood vessels, reducing the chances of bruising or bleeding.

Keep Exercise Light for Two Days after Treatment

Finally, stick to light exercise for 48 hours after your treatment. This keeps your heart rate low. While getting in that cardio is great for your health, it also increases blood flow, and thus, bruising.

In the end, even if you do bruise, it shouldn’t last more than a few days. For more direct guidance, speak with your plastic surgeon.

What if You Bruise after Getting Injectable Fillers or BOTOX®?
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What if You Bruise after Getting Injectable Fillers or BOTOX®?
Bruising after injectable fillers and BOTOX is normal. The plastic surgeons at Columbia Aesthetic Plastic Surgery explain what to do if this happens to you.
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