Breast Augmentation

What Happens at a Breast Augmentation Consultation?

Breast Augmentation Consultation

Going to your breast augmentation consultation is an exciting first step in your cosmetic surgery journey. Use this time to gain a better understanding of what’s involved in breast enhancement, what your timeline might look like and have your questions answered.

It’s perfectly normal to feel a little anxious about your appointment, too. This guide outlines what to expect at your breast augmentation consultation so you can get the most out of your one-on-one time with your plastic surgeon.

  1. Ask Questions

    Before your consultation, prepare a list of questions you want to be sure to ask your plastic surgeon, both about their qualifications and questions specific to your procedure. Some examples of questions you might want to ask are:

    • Are you board-certified?
    • How many breast augmentations have you performed?
    • Am I a good candidate for this procedure?
    • Which surgical techniques do you suggest and why?
    • What can I expect during recovery?
    • When will I see my results?
  2. Medical History & Physical Exam

    Your plastic surgeon will discuss your medical history with you, both past and present, as well as perform a physical exam. It’s important to be honest and open about your medical history and disclose any medications or supplements you’re currently taking.

    Your plastic surgeon will use this information, coupled with the physical exam, to determine if you’re a good candidate for breast augmentation. If you have any ongoing conditions, such as asthma or diabetes, your plastic surgeon might request that you get clearance from your PCP before moving forward with cosmetic surgery.

  3. Talk Size

    This is one of the most exciting parts of your consult and one that women usually look forward to the most. Your plastic surgeon can help you pick a size that suits your natural curves and body proportions and meets your goals.

    Bring a few different outfits along with you to help you see what different implant sizes will look like in different clothing.

    You’ll also want to discuss which type of implant could be the best choice for you. There are two primary implant types: saline and silicone. Each comes with its own advantages, so the best breast implant pick for you will depend on your goals and your personal preferences.

  4. Iron out the Details

    Your consultation is also a great time to figure out which breast enhancement techniques your plastic surgeon recommends for you. Once you decide on an implant type, you’ll choose an implant placement position—either over your chest muscle or under it.

    Your plastic surgeon should also explain some of the most common types of incisions, including the inframammary, periareolar and transaxillary.

    The inframammary incision is a popular choice, as the incisions, which follow the natural crease underneath your breasts, are easily hidden. Periareolar incisions can be even more easily camouflaged, but this may not be the best option for you if breastfeeding in the future is important to you. The transaxillary incision is less popular because it doesn’t allow for as much precision, but it doesn’t leave any scars on your breasts.

  5. Book Your Breast Augmentation If You’re Ready

    You are by no means obligated to book anything right now, but if you feel comfortable with this plastic surgeon and are happy with what you’ve discussed, you can absolutely book your breast enhancement now.

    If you’re not quite ready, no problem. Go home, sleep on it, or maybe even get a second opinion from a different plastic surgeon before making your final decision.

What Happens at a Breast Augmentation Consultation?
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What Happens at a Breast Augmentation Consultation?
Not sure what to expect at your breast augmentation consultation? Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jennifer Harrington of Plymouth shares some insight.
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