Breast Augmentation Breast Implants

What College-Aged Women Should Know About Breast Implants

Breast Implants

As you enter your college years, you may be considering breast enhancement. Many women in their 20s choose breast augmentation, and it’s a growing age group for this procedure.

Current Rules and Regulations

Current FDA guidelines approve saline breast implants for use in primary breast augmentation for women 18 years of age and older. Silicone implant models are approved for primary breast augmentation in women age 22 and older. Keep in mind that these are guidelines only – while surgeons will follow this guidance in most cases they are permitted to use the implants for younger women based on their medical judgment.

Augmentation and Nursing

One of the major concerns regarding young women and breast augmentation has traditionally been centered on pregnancy and the ability to nurse a baby. These concerns have been greatly alleviated by the development and improvement of new techniques and methods that minimize the risk of future complications.

Achieve a New Level of Confidence

One of the major incentives for pursuing plastic surgery is to improve your confidence. If you’ve never been happy with how your breasts look, breast augmentation can help enhance your appearance early on and boost your self confidence in relationships and the working world.

The Benefits of Youth

One last advantage of opting for breast augmentation when you’re younger is the resiliency and healing capacities of your body. During youth, your body has a natural edge in terms of its ability to prevent and heal scarring. Your greater capacity to heal, as well as taut musculature that will help hold implants in place, can make your recovery easier and your results more satisfying.

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